The Ultimate Animal Duo

A natural phenomenon unlike any other

Nathan Finger


“cat-and-dog” by Katlene Niven

Everyone loves an unexpected friendship; Timon and Pumbaa, a cat and a dog, or Copper and Tod. But, what if told you there was a real life dynamic duo hanging out in South America? Allow me to introduce you to the Cattle Tyrant (Machetornis rixosa).

“Cattle Tyrant — Pantanal — Brazil_H8O0107” by fveronesi1

This cute little new world flycatcher flits about grassy fields, looking for flies to … well, catch. They like to trail larger animals and hunt the insects they disturb. But the Cattle Tyrant has a unique relationship with one animal in particular, the Capybara (Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris). Here’s one riding atop its noble steed.

The Capybara is the world’s largest rodent. Think of them as a giant guinea pig. The Cattle Tyrant rides the Capybara as they graze, waiting for insects to fly up. Although they do eat the odd horsefly that tries to bite the Capybara, for the most part the two are rather indifferent to each other other. But that doesn’t stop them from looking adorable together.

perched on capybara by Charles J. Sharp

If ever there was an instant crime solving odd couple, this is it. One is a Capybara two weeks out from retirement who’s too old for this shit, the other is plucky young Cattle Tyrant eager to make a name for itself. Together they’re about to crack this case wide open. I call the show Cattle Rustlin’. It’s a detective noir, meets western, set in Argentina. I’d watch it.

Once again, they are proof that the world of birds has delights to throw up in the most unlikely of places.

