
This Week’s Furry Feature!

Celebrating the work of our incredible writers

Darby Days


Photo by Dave Alexander on Unsplash

Hello Creatures community,

I hope your Labour Day weekend went well. Thank you for your patience with my slow replies this week, I have been enjoying some much needed vacation.

We are excited to announce our next ‘furry feature’; an article on our publication that has been well-liked by our editing team as well as Medium readers.

This week’s Furry Feature is an article written by Fernanda Fadel. Fernanda shares a unique piece that explores multiple animal adoption/purchasing platforms, specifically from the perspective of acquiring a rodent companion.

We commend Fernanda’s work for its neutrality. She intelligently provides the pros and cons to each animal adoption/purchasing platform, despite the platform’s reputation. Critical thinking is an attribute of an exceptional writer.

Thank you Fernanda for your incredible work!

We look forward to sharing other Creatures favourites through this newsletter in the future.

Warmest regards,

Darby Days [Founder and Head Editor]



Darby Days

Toronto-based Creative Director | Founder of Creatures