What Happens At The Dog Park, Stays At The Dog Park

…Lifesaving tips to prevent a ”ruff” time?

Katy Cable


By Katy Cable,
A 4 minute read

There are few things more fun than taking my Pug Olive to the dog park. She just loves racing around like a Greyhound and socializing with other dogs. In Olive’s case, she was so badly abused and fearful when I rescued her, taking her to the dog park has strengthened our bond and healed her anxiety issues.

As a former organizer for several dog “meet-up” groups in So Cal, I typically attend several events every month. Plus in Long Beach, CA where I live, there are 14 dog parks as well as the popular Rosie’s dog beach.

While it’s always fun to meet new friends and watch our fur babies play, disasters can occur. Unfortunately, sometimes when you visit a public dog park, there’s that ONE DOG with a delusional owner who ruins everyone’s time. I’m sure you’ve seen it. The owner is typically lost in their own world, obliviously chatting on their cellphone while their dog is stealing toys, humping any leg they can find, knocking over anything in their path, and pooping with reckless abandon. In order to best prepare yourself AND your dog, the following “Do's and Don’ts” are a must-read before heading out with your furry friend
Dog Park Etiquette and Safety Tips:



Katy Cable

I love PUGS, cappuccinos and bad carbs. Put my Hashimoto’s into remission with simple food swaps. My holistic tips can help save you a rent payment in vet bills