What Happens When You Smile at Your Cat

Hint: Cats are nothing like dogs…but more connected to humans than you may think

Tina L. Smith
Published in
4 min readJul 14, 2021


Photo by Oleg Ivanov on Unsplash

When I mentioned this article idea to a cat-loving friend, she joked, “Are you going to publish a blank page?” We both snickered. While we are fond of our cats, we know how stand-offish, independent, and, well, asocial they can be.

I recently looked into what happens when people smile at their dogs after realizing my dogs respond to smiles with tail wagging and other gestures of happiness. Fascinated at the discovery, I wanted to find out what objective evidence from research proved. I was delighted to learn that, yes, dogs DO recognize smiles, and they DO respond to human emotions at a fairly sophisticated level.

As both a dog owner and a cat owner, I wondered some of the same things about our feline family member:

Do cats recognize smiles? To what degree do cats read and respond to human facial cues and emotions?

Again, I consulted scientific studies. And what I found was possibly more interesting than the dog research.

The history of domesticated cats



Tina L. Smith

Writer, humorist, animal lover, lifelong language geek (er, I proofread for fun). I write on diverse topics that catch my fancy. Everything but haiku(tm). [she]