Perspective | Education

What Is Safe For My Dog To Chew On?

My quest for the perfect chew

Dakota Duncan
Published in
5 min readMay 15, 2021


Image by Mylene2401 from Pixabay

“Nine dollars for a bully stick!” I mentally shouted my outrage and knew for the time being we were sticking with homemade chew options.

Chewing is a natural activity for dogs. As puppies, they explore their world with their mouths and as their adult teeth start coming in, they chew to relieve pain. Chewing is an instinctual way for dogs to keep their jaws strong and their teeth clean. It also is a way to relieve anxiety, boredom, and frustration. Although I couldn’t find any credible reference to support it, I also think that it’s probably just fun. I know my dog, Kola, seems to be having a great time whenever she gets something good to chew on.

That last phrase, “something good to chew on,” is a real challenge for me, as well as many other dog parents. Many of the things that dogs love to chew on, including popular items sold as chews, are not safe. Rawhide gets soggy and is then easily swallowed, which can cause a choking or internal blockage hazard, plus they are processed with toxic chemicals during the manufacturing process. Bully sticks can also be chewed down to an unsafe size that dogs can swallow, plus, they are really expensive. Some dogs love nylon chews, but I don’t really want my dog chewing on and…



Dakota Duncan

I’m an animal lover, author, and artist. I love learning about small but amazing creatures. See Captivating Creatures