Anecdote | Perspective

Whats on Your Mind?

…Whisperings from a pet psychic

Katy Cable
Published in
6 min readMar 16, 2021


By Katy Cable-The Weekly Runt

One of my guilty pleasures is the super-natural. Psychics, mediums, tarot cards, fortune tellers, even the Ouija Board…. I’ll admit, I’m OBSESSED. Some of my favorite shows are The Long Island Medium, Tyler Henry, the movie BIG! I love ’em all!

When Liz Murdoch, a Los Angeles-based pet psychic invited Olive and me to be guests on her popular podcast, “Talking With The Dogs!” we jumped (and barked) at the chance. On occasion, I’d seen shows using dogs to locate missing persons. I’d also seen mediums give people messages from pets that had crossed over. But to get a reading on a current, living pet, that was something totally new!

Anyone who spends five minutes on my site, “The Weekly Runt” will learn my background and how I found Olive. In addition, most of my blogs are personal stories pertaining to relevant pet issues. I figured doing a reading on Olive would be as predictable as a 70 degree, sunny day in LA. I walked into this experience a huge skeptic.

​Murdoch remembers having a unique connection with animals from as early as Kindergarten. For show-and-tell, a classmate brought in their pet Standard Poodle. Murdoch instinctively knew what the dog was thinking…



Katy Cable

I love PUGS, cappuccinos and bad carbs. Put my Hashimoto’s into remission with simple food swaps. My holistic tips can help save you a rent payment in vet bills