Animal Anecdote

Why my Dog is my Superhero

They give us so much and I am forever grateful to my rescue dog Fred

Nixi C
Published in
4 min readSep 4, 2020


Photo by Jamie Street on Unsplash

February 2019. I remember the mixed emotions. Excitement and joy over finding Fred- a perfect match for us- and bringing him home from the rescue centre. Heartbreak and grief from the loss of my first dog so suddenly and cruelly.

Moving onto the present time. My little rescue dog has continued to amaze me with his resiliance and affection. He hasn’t rescued me from a burning building or saved me from drowning. But in many ways, he has saved me from sinking. This is why my dog is my superhero.

He has helped me cope with heartbreak

I really struggled to cope after losing my first dog. I didn’t want to leave the house but at the same time, I found the house unbearable to be in. I desperately needed that special companionship a dog gives you. That non-judgemental presence, that unconditional love.

I realised it was possible to love Fred and grieve for Jack. It didn’t mean I loved Jack any less. “Getting a new dog never replaces the old, it simply expands the heart.” Fred was there for me, providing endless cuddles, lots of licks and bringing back joy and laughter to a heartbroken household.



Nixi C

My life revolves around animals- working as a dog groomer and puppy parent to my gorgeous rescue dog. In between dog haircuts I love to write!