Science | Animal Advocacy

Why We Like Animals More Than People

And science says it has nothing to do with their lack of judgment or surplus of unconditional love.

Rachel Greenberg
Published in
6 min readMar 17, 2021


Japanese chin puppy in the sky
Photo taken and owned by the author (me), Esmeralda’s owner and humble human servant.

“In a survey by the American Animal Hospital Association, 40 percent of married female dog owners reported they received more emotional support from their pet than from their husband.” — Hal Herzog in Wired

Phew — glad I’m not alone there.

I had my own hypothesis here as to why furry, non-human creatures top my emotional priority list. And as a triple-fur-mom, I believed I had earned my seat at the table of expert animal enthusiasts.

What I thought might not be too far off from your assumptions — if you’re either an animal lover or just a common-sensical person. I believed the reasons some (ahem: many) humans may indicate a preference for non-human animals over those of their own species came down to a multitude of characteristics these animals possess.

What I thought furbabies have over humans — I was wrong.

  • Non-judgmental
  • Willing companions
  • Endless gratitude
  • Unearned respect and adoration



Rachel Greenberg

Wall Street Investment Banker → Entrepreneur & Startup Consultant. “Top 10 Entrepreneurs of 2020” Yahoo Finance. CEO of Beta Bowl. Mom of 3 furbabies ❤