Animal Advocacy

Why You Should Let Sleeping Dogs Lie

It’s not just an old saying

Laura-Jane Clements
Published in
2 min readAug 6, 2020


Photo by Brina Blum on Unsplash

We’ve all heard the old adage ‘let sleeping dogs lie’. It normally means to leave things alone but in many cases these traditional sayings are rooted in truth. Very often you should literally let sleeping dogs lie.

The reason being? Sleep aggression can come through in many different breeds of dogs and can often take the owner by surprise. What they think is an innocent tummy tickle while their dog is snoozing can turn into a growl or even a snap. A normally placid dog can be momentarily snappish if they are unexpectedly woken up and this can give their owners cause for concern if they don’t know where this behaviour has come from.

I know that many humans are unhappy to be rudely awakened from their slumber so why should we assume that dogs would be any different?

How can we accommodate our dogs?

There are various methods you can employ to avoid falling foul to sleep aggression. these include;

  • Give your dog space away from footfall traffic. If you have a noisy living area where there is lots going on, be sure to provide your dog a quiet space where they can retreat to for a sleep. A quiet corner in the kitchen or a bed in a spare room…



Laura-Jane Clements

Host & Producer of Fell in Love with a Hound, the podcast for people who love rescue greyhounds. Dog lover. Advocate for part time & flexible working. TV addict