Top ten tips for passing the AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner Certification exam

konrad bachusz
Credera Engineering
5 min readJan 29, 2024


The AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner certification is an excellent entry point for anyone looking to start their journey in AWS cloud computing. It is an entry-level qualification suitable for people with zero or minimal AWS cloud experience. To help you prepare effectively, I’ve compiled some of my top ten tips to ensure your success.

1. Understand the exam scope

Before you begin your preparation, ensure you understand the scope of the AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner exam. Familiarise yourself with the official exam guide to know what topics will be covered.

You can find what will be covered in the exam as well as lots of other useful resources on the certification’s website.

2. AWS Free Tier knowledge

A significant part of the certification is understanding AWS’s Free Tier. Learn about the services that are available for free, their limitations, and how they can be utilised. More than 100 AWS products are available on AWS Free Tier today. Three different types of free offers are available
depending on the product used

You can register for a free AWS account and find out more details using this link:

In addition, playing AWS Cloud Quest is a fun way to learn about AWS’s basic services. AWS Cloud Quest is a 3D role-playing game to help you build practical AWS Cloud skills. The game lets you select specific roles like Cloud Practitioner, Solutions Architect, and Serverless Developer, amongst others.

AWS Cloud Quest

You can sign up for AWS Cloud Quest here.

3. Core AWS services

Building on the cloud requires a solid foundation. That’s where core AWS services like EC2, S3, RDS, and VPC shine. These powerhouses boost efficiency, slash IT costs, and fuel effortless scaling — no matter your application’s age. However, AWS isn’t just about starting strong — it’s a platform that grows with you. Beyond raw computing, storage, and networking, it unlocks services that nurture your cloud evolution. Think of it as a bag of building blocks, flexible and ready to assemble for your workload.

You can find more information about AWS’s core services here. Take the time to understand how they work, when to use them, and their basic configurations.

4. AWS Well-Architected Framework

Like a building needs a strong base to stand tall, robust software relies on a solid foundation to resist issues and function properly. That’s when the concept of AWS Well-Architected Framework comes into play. Make sure to familiarise yourself with it as this is a concept covered multiple times throughout the exam. Understand its pillars: Operational Excellence, Security, Reliability, Performance Efficiency, Sustainability, and Cost Optimisation.

6 Pillars of the AWS Well-Architected Framework

You can find out more about the pillars here.

5. Pricing and billing

Comprehend AWS pricing models and billing. Know how to estimate costs for various AWS services, and understand the different pricing structures. This will help you tackle questions about choosing the most cost-effective solution on AWS. Some useful resources related to billing can be found below:

6. Security best practices

Learn AWS security best practices. Understand Identity and Access Management (IAM), encryption, and security groups, and know how to secure your AWS resources effectively. You can find a lot of resources related to security on AWS the Best Practices for Security, Identity, & Compliance page.

7. AWS global infrastructure

Learn AWS’s global infrastructure, including regions, availability zones, and edge locations. Understand the advantages of a highly available, fault-tolerant environment. This will ensure that you are minimising the downtime of the applications that you’re building.

Map of AWS regions

Some useful resources related to AWS global infrastructure can be found below:

8. Study AWS whitepapers

Read AWS whitepapers — especially those related to the Certified Cloud Practitioner exam. These documents contain valuable information that can be tested in the exam. Existing whitepapers can be easily accessed here.

9. AWS cloud support plans

Understand the AWS support plans. Know the differences between the various support tiers and the services they offer. The plans are designed to give you the right mix of tools and access to expertise so that you can be successful with AWS while optimising performance, managing risk, and keeping costs under control. You can find details on the AWS plans here.

10. Practice exam questions

Practice with AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner sample exam questions. This will help you get used to the format of the questions and evaluate your knowledge. Sample exams can be found on the AWS certification portal. Alternatively, you can try mock exams on sites including:


By following these ten tips and dedicating enough time to study and practice, you’ll increase your chances of passing the AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner Certification exam. This certification is a great first step into the world of AWS and cloud computing, and it can open doors to various cloud-related career opportunities. Best of luck on your certification journey!

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konrad bachusz
Credera Engineering

Senior Data Engineer @ Credera. I’m passionate about all things to do with AI, data and analytics 📈