The recipe for an effective landing page

Our not-so-secret ingredients for designing the Credit Saison India landing page to drive visitors’ actions.

Akanksha Dutta
Credit Saison (India)
4 min readJul 23, 2020


Landing pages are typically one-page websites, designed to drive visitors to a specific action that can be accomplished by just the click of a button.

It focuses on effectuating conversion by capturing and sustaining the visitors’ attention on key information, unlike a homepage that makes a visitor sort through a sea of information and do an assortment of things. Landing pages help generate leads and convert leads to customers, much aligned to our objective at Credit Saison India — to build long term mutually beneficial partnerships in co-lending and wholesale lending.

Knowing our customers and offering a good product to meet their needs, the next pivotal step for us was to have a well-designed landing page using the right ingredients, to not only have a lasting impression on our customers but also accomplish our goal. Five portions of engaging content mixed with a dash of minimal and clean design, finally seasoned with a pinch of relatable social proof and -voilà!- there we have our landing page.

Illustration credit: Ouch

Engaging content to drive visitor action ➡️

Predominantly, if visitors do not connect with the content or understand the value proposition, they will not be motivated to click that button.

“Communication is not about speaking what we think. Communication is about ensuring others hear what we mean.”

— Simon Sinek

Visitors don’t always read the entire content, instead, they scan through. Therefore, it was critical that we created a logical structure with a lucid copy. A logical structure lays down the foundation for content that is easy to navigate and read through, this allows the visitor to quickly find answers to their questions and also remember information. Breaking down copy into the headline, the sub-header, the must-know information, and the nice-to-know information, can well do the trick.

Headlines as anchors.

Headlines are anchors that guide visitors through the content that follows through the page, they are the first element to visibly stand out on the landing page. Therefore, it is vital that they are crisp and clear. Furthermore, using simple, clear, straightforward, and easy to comprehend language for conveying key messages, and communicating the value proposition instantaneously helps facilitate visitors to take an affirmative call-to-action.

Minimal and clean design to reduce cognitive load 😧

Simply put, a design with ‘zero clutter’ helps visitors navigate and sieve through information effortlessly. As per Simon’s Law on visual hierarchy, distinct hierarchical structures help minimize complexity, making content easy to absorb. It is human tendency to follow a Z-pattern while scanning a layout. Our single-action landing page utilizes the Z-pattern to establish a concise visual hierarchy and an effortless scannable layout.

The Z-pattern followed while scanning a layout.

“Whitespace is like air: it is necessary for design to breathe.”

— Wojciech Zieliński

It’s not just about defining appropriate colour palettes nor just about using a well legible typeface, but also about the optimal use of whitespace to make it possible to outline information into digestible portions. Essentially, we made friends with whitespace and conveyed one complete thought in one section on one screen, reducing information overload and helping visitors to focus on key features and the call-to-action.

Our equation to reducing information overload.

Social proof to establish brand credibility 👍

By and large, social acceptance through customer testimonials and stories of success in numbers bolster a visitor’s decision-making process, while creating trust in the brand and product.

“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.”

— Aristotle

To establish credibility and excellence, we have highlighted the key statistics of our success story so far. Be it with the lives we have empowered, the geographical footprint we have established, the finance we have enabled, the partnerships we have successfully built and the testimonials of our delighted partners.

Putting it all together 🥘

When it comes to a perfect landing page, everything needs to come together just right — the content, the value proposition, the design, and the social proof in a cohesively structured page giving the visitor a full picture. This not only accentuates visitor interaction but also motivates call-to-action, and in turn increases conversion rates exponentially.

To know about the development side of things of our landing page, do give Arun Meena’s article a read.

Check out our website on!

In case you missed my take on the importance of design consistency in enterprise products and how it is a stimulant for enhancing user performance. Do give my previous article a read! ⬇️

If you want to have a chat about all things design, give me a shout out. 💬 LinkedIn | Instagram | Twitter



Akanksha Dutta
Credit Saison (India)

Product Designer @Shell | Helping businesses design compelling digital products and meaningful experiences.