Key takeaways of the Credix Insights webinar with Adiante

Antonia Glice


Short-term receivables financing is a very common and powerful tool for businesses looking to manage their cash flow and improve liquidity. It's a multi-trillion-dollar market in Brazil alone that, to date, remains heavily underserved. Adiante, a data-driven fintech from the group GCB and based in São Paulo, has developed a technology solution that helps them identify and select the best assets to finance in this space. During Thursday’s livestream with Credix, Douglas Pinheiro, Head of Credit at Adiante, shared some key takeaways about their approach to short-term receivables in Brazil.

One of these includes using a lot of API calls to analyze public data and working with bureaus to establish a price range for the loans. They also use machine learning models to analyze data from sellers and identify any potential fraud. By analyzing both the seller and the buyer, Adiante can originate strong credit and make informed decisions about which receivables to finance.

Another point Douglas touched on was Adiante’s ability to think ahead. Generally, 12 to 24 months. He underlined the importance of knowing what’s to come, so they can prepare and adjust their models accordingly and integrate with the right databases. This is essential, especially for short-term receivables financing, where, given the short tenors of the loans (or invoices), small changes can make a lot of difference. This includes looking into trends from a data standpoint, allowing them to have insights and knowledge about the assets they will be financing by the time the market shifts.

Douglas lastly touched on Adiante’s partnership with Credix citing:

Credix as a transparent and trustworthy partner that not only brings funds but also expertise to Adiante’s operations. With two deals already in place and more to come in the foreseeable future, the partnership is set to bring significant benefits to both companies — Douglas Pinheiro, Head of Credit at Adiante.

For those who would like to rewatch the entire webinar, you can find the recording here. Follow us on LinkedIn not to miss May’s Credix Insights and many other updates!

