Inside Credix — Guilherme's 1 year Milestone

Laura Meyvis
Published in
2 min readMar 7, 2024

It’s been 1 year since Guilherme joined our Brazilian team as Product Manager. He’s been working closely with the design and engineering teams, making sure our product meets our customers’ needs. As he starts his second year at Credix, we’ve caught up with him to reflect on his last 12 months!

Guilherme Miranda — Product Manager — São Paulo, Brazil

What accomplishments are you hoping to achieve in the coming year?

The coming year will be all about building our new product and getting it into the hands of multiple Brazilian SMB’s. As the Brazilian representative of the product team, my role in this will be to stay very close to our users, gathering feedback and flowing it to our engineers. This will be a very big challenge, but we’re definitely set for a great start!

Reflecting on the recent Credix offsite, what aspect stood out to you as the most enjoyable/memorable?

Although the Credix team is not huge, it is very diverse. During the offsite, the opportunity to connect at a personal level with people from multiple nationalities and backgrounds is what I liked the most. It is not every day that you have a chance to catch up with people from the other side of the globe and learn about their culture.

If you could offer a piece of advice to your future self one year from now, what would it be?

How well you understand your users will make or break your product. Put yourself out there, exercise empathy, and seek to deeply understand their problems. Be critical and keep yourself from making assumptions, and always seek to listen to first-hand customer feedback.

Considering your role, what aspect of your responsibilities brings you the most satisfaction?

The role of a product manager has multiple faces and responsibilities. This, in itself, is something I like a lot, having the opportunity to stay in touch with engineering, design, ops, finance, and much more. If I had to pick one, I’d say that hearing from customers that the product we’ve built will help them is something that always gives me a huge energy boost.

What’s your favorite merchandise item?

The Credix t-shirt! Fits very well.

