Meet Satyam, Credix’s
Smart Contract Engineer

Chaim - CGO Credix
Published in
2 min readJan 11, 2023

We’re excited to expand our Asian team with yet another impressive talent. Satyam Kumar joined Credix as a smart contract engineer, focusing on everything Solana logic and beyond.

We caught up with Satyam to learn about what he’s so excited about and why he chose to join the Credix team. This is what he had to say.

Satyam Kumar — Smart Contract Engineer — India

What’s your background and experience?

I studied computer science in India, with a passion for software development and a thirst for knowledge. My journey in this field began in college, and since then I have dedicated myself to exploring a wide range of domains, from Android app development to cloud backend engineering and system programming. In 2021, I discovered a fascination with blockchain and smart contracts, and have been dedicated to learning and working with Solana ever since.

Why did you choose Credix?

I was very impressed by the resiliency of Credix, one of the companies that was hardly affected by the volatility in the crypto market last year. I picked Credix because of its unique approach to combining blockchain technology with classical fintech methodologies, resulting in impressive outcomes. Working at a startup has a lot of learning opportunities, and I found Credix best suited for me.

What will be your role and day-to-day at Credix?

As a smart contract developer at Credix, I will have the opportunity to write and deploy programs, as well as learn about the inner workings of financial institutions.

What are you most excited about?

I am excited to make a global impact with my code and to continue learning and growing as a professional. I am eager to contribute to Credix in any way I can and make the most of this exciting opportunity.



Chaim - CGO Credix
Writer for

Chief Growth Officer @ Credix — a decentralized credit marketplace for fintechs in emerging markets