Senate Democrats must stand their ground on abortion rights

CREDO Action
Published in
3 min readFeb 22, 2017


The stakes couldn’t be any higher for women. Trump and his right-wing administration are trying to make abortion inaccessible and illegal. If we want to protect access to reproductive health care, we must do it now.

Trump’s platform of misogyny and hate has unleashed a new wave of extreme attacks on reproductive health care. As soon as Trump won the election, emboldened anti-choice Republicans introduced legislation to cut off access to abortion nationwide. Recently, Trump signed an executive order that will strip women in countries around the world of their health care. He also nominated a judge with an abysmal record on reproductive rights to the Supreme Court.

Enough is enough. We can’t just sit back and wait until the next extreme anti-woman attack. Senate Democrats must lead now by fiercely defending women’s reproductive rights and blocking all attempts to restrict access to abortion, without hesitation or compromise.

Tell Senate Democrats: Stop Trump’s anti-woman regime. Block and resist all legislative attempts to restrict access to abortion.

Here’s what’s at stake. Right-wing Republicans want to:

While we can’t stop Trump from issuing executive orders, we can certainly stop Republicans from passing anti-choice legislation and block Trump’s anti-choice Supreme Court nominee by forcing Senate Democrats to hold the line.

Senate Democrats must build a firewall against anti-woman attacks and back legislation that will protect and expand access to abortion.

Immediately after Trump reinstated the “global gag rule,” Democratic Sen. Jeanne Shaheen of New Hampshire introduced a bipartisan bill to reverse it. The Global Health Empowerment and Rights Act will permanently revoke the “global gag rule by lifting all abortion related restrictions on U.S. foreign aid.

Recently, progressive champion Rep. Barbara Lee reintroduced the EACH Woman Act, a bill that would end the Hyde Amendment and ensure that all women — wherever they live and however they’re insured — are able to get coverage for the full range of reproductive health services, including abortion.8

Undoing abortion restrictions won’t happen overnight, and certainly not in this Congress. But building momentum can start now and make a big difference.

Tell Senate Democrats to stand their ground on reproductive health care.

Originally published at



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