Stop the right wing attack on Social Security

CREDO Action
Published in
2 min readNov 4, 2016


Social Security, the greatest anti-poverty program in American history, is currently under attack by the nation’s largest seniors group.

AARP has launched a nationwide ad campaign that adopts right-wing talking points about Social Security, claiming that seniors could lose $10,000 a year if politicians fail to reform the program when in fact Social Security will be solvent for decades.

It’s unacceptable that an organization that prides itself as an advocate for seniors would scare elderly Americans with misleading conservative talking points. We must stop AARP from laying the groundwork for conservative efforts to slash Social Security benefits.

Tell AARP: Stop the right-wing scare tactics about Social Security.

While Social Security faces a pending shortfall in 2034, there are simple, progressive ways to extend its solvency, including making the wealthy pay their fair share by eliminating the cap on taxable earnings, passing comprehensive immigration reform and boosting the minimum wage. Instead of advocating for real solutions that would strengthen Social Security without cutting benefits, AARP is utilizing right-wing rhetoric to imply the program is rapidly collapsing, which is simply not true.

The fact is, Social Security has a $2.8 trillion surplus — enough to pay out 100 percent of benefits owed for the next 18 years and over 75 percent of benefits owed after that. Instead of echoing misleading right-wing rhetoric, the AARP should be advocating for the wealthy to pay their fair share so we can expand benefits for current and future retirees.

This ad campaign is so damaging because AARP has credibility with America’s seniors. With 37 million members and massive lobbying power in Congress, the way AARP frames this issue could have catastrophic consequences for the future of Social Security. It’s only a matter of time before budget hawks in Washington point to AARP’s new campaign as evidence that lawmakers should make massive cuts to the program in order to save it.

We can win this fight. After facing public pressure by progressive groups across the country earlier this year, AARP dropped its membership in the extreme right-wing American Legislative Exchange Council. We must speak out again to stop this outrageous attack on our country’s greatest social program.

Tell AARP: Stop the right-wing scare tactics about Social Security.

Originally published at



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