This one thing will SAVE your life!

Published in
3 min readMay 30, 2016

In a heavily motorcycle riding country like ours, people tend to take this mode of commute quite casually. Buyers most of the time are unaware of what they are missing out on their bikes. Essential safety features such as Disc brakes, ABS and CBS should be a must-have for every bike rider out there!

ABS (Anti-Lock Braking System)


Anti-lock Braking System (ABS) is an enhanced form of braking system, which does not let the wheels of the bike lock under hard and aggressive braking. For instance, if you apply 100% brakes at a pretty decent speed, your brakes apply in like a Stop-Go-Stop manner, thus keeping the tires of the bike in the most contact with the road. It makes sure you have the full grip available on the surface of the contact patch. This stop-go-stop technique removes any possibility of the bike skid out of the rider’s control.

CBS (Combined Braking System)


A braking unit level below ABS, which offers simultaneous braking on both the wheels with a proper calculated brake force distribution. Easier put, if you apply one brake, the electronics will apply a certain percentage of the other brake too, reducing the chances of wheel lock-up and skidding. It does not stop the wheels from locking completely but it does the job it’s designed for, very well indeed.

Back in 2011, TVS came up with their legendry Apache RTR180 equipped with ABS which was an optional feature of course. The bike was expensive by a considerable amount and was restricted to a single colour scheme. This helped TVS to shoot the sales of Apache RTR160-Hyperboss also the RTR180 Non-ABS, as buyers chose them because of their affordable pricing.

This doesn’t stop here; commuter bike makers also give an optional disc brake at the rear and with Honda, it offers its top notch CBS (Combined braking system) for its commuting category bikes, which comes with a price. Although, at a very justified price. CBS is just a level below ABS, which again offers rider safety and bike stability. But with the pricing to avail the features, it will always be the underdog.

But for a few grand, it’s not a good deal to risk life to save money. Compromising on a key feature specifically engineered for the safety of the rider under hard braking, is like saving money to pay a heavy price later.

Similar marketing strategies were repeated, in the year 2015 with the launch of Bajaj Pulsar RS200. Bike is available in 2 trim options of ABS and NON-ABS as well. With a price difference of Rs. 12,000/- (on ex-showroom Delhi), Bajaj managed to sell a decent number of NON-ABS models. You could also get a inspected pre-owned Pulsar RS200 starting at Rs. 97000!

Here’s a video explaining the importance of ABS, in the most easiest way possible!

Point being, to not fall for the tempting prices. Price of safety can never have a tag on it, but if you are offered.. Do not deny it.

