Dreamforce 2023: Some Hidden Gems

The little things that make the experience special

Jessie Penaloza
creme de la crm
3 min readSep 13, 2023


Dreamforce 2022 National Forest Entrance

We’re about halfway through Dreamforce 2023 and there has been so much content pushed to the world wide web. From the Einstein 1 Platform being launched at the main keynote to getting Free licenses for Data Cloud and Tableau moving forward. At the same time, we get a close look at some demos showcasing how some of the upcoming features, revolving around AI, are going to make their way to Salesforce products and services.

On the other end of the spectrum, there are some less “business relevant”, but maybe more “fun” treats Trailblazers have been encountering all week. Consider these “Hidden Gems” a way Dreamforce says — Thank You — to its community. Let’s take a look at what we’ve found so far.

Benioff’s “Main Keynote” Sneakers

As part of an ongoing tradition going back many years now, Marc’s shoes are a fashion trend to look out for, and this time around he didn’t disappoint. Sporting a pair of Gucci 1977 sneakers that were custom made and most like gifted to him. Retail value non-custom starts around $730 and includes red outlines around the perimeter with red laces and cloud designs in between. A really cool look to go along with that blue suit he was sporting.

Fooji Promotion

Sometime around eight o’clock in the morning yesterday there was a post going up on social that hinted at a Fooji and Dreamforce promotion that would deliver some goodies from Doordash when connecting your LinkedIn account and providing some delivery information. In efforts to give back to those not able to attend the event but able to stream it on Salesforce+. The findings going around the internet was this care package consisted of Salesforce-branded goodies as a way to say thank you to all the Trailblazers around the country. We managed to snag one but got delivered to our office. Will need to stop by and see if someone managed to pick it up.

Einstein Engagement

AI was the key focus for this year’s Dreamforce. Many social activities revolved around bringing it to life. First up was the new Einstein Filter for Tiktok in anticipation of potentially appearing at the Main Keynote. All you had to do was create a short video and submit it on the link above for a chance to appear. Great way to engage with technology and easy to do right from the palm of your hand.

Hashtags have been around for some time but did you know you can add emojis to them? Salesforce utilized Twitter’s Branded Emojis to fully maximize the search behavior when particular hashtags like #DF23, #Dreamforce, and others were used in search results. From little Einsteins pouring down across your computer screens to little Einsteins appearing next to each #Hashtag used within your social posts.

Creating rich experiences for those not able to attend by using animations anywhere possible. Will continue our coverage of Dreamforce throughout the rest of the week. Tune in and follow our livestream coverage to let us know what little gems you find along the way.

From one Trailblazer to the next stay happy, be safe, and we’ll see you in the cloud.



Jessie Penaloza
creme de la crm

Never too old to learn something new. Always looking for new ways to engage with others.