Introducing: MyTrailhead

Chris Stegall
creme de la crm
Published in
2 min readMar 12, 2019

Whether you’ve been involved with Salesforce for 10 hours or 10 years, you’re probably familiar with Trailhead. No matter where you are on your Salesforce journey, Trailhead is a valuable source of knowledge, training, and guidance. From adding your first user to developing custom mobile apps for your company — there’s a handy guide for everything, complete with illustrations, practical challenges, and a bit of humor.

It’s an amazing tool for learning Salesforce, and it’s raised the bar for what corporate onboarding, training, and skill development should look and feel like. It’s digestible, fun, well-organized, and gamified. Now imagine that instead of just Salesforce tips and tricks, Trailhead had everything your team needs to excel in their roles.

That’s exactly why we’re so excited about the introduction of MyTrailhead!

MyTrailhead empowers companies to create their own custom learning journeys, in the same style as Salesforce’s Trailhead trails, but with their own branding and content.

Now your organization can leverage the same on-demand learning platform that has helped over 1 million people develop and maintain their skills, find their place in the Salesforce ecosystem, and plot their own course for their career.

You’ll be able to accelerate your onboarding processes and improve the effectiveness of new-hire training. Promote product-learning and enablement so that your team can grow alongside your company. Raise awareness of HR-important subjects and promote an inclusive and widely-adopted company culture. Develop internal leadership programs to keep management up to date and establish the next generation of rising stars within your organization. MyTrailhead will let you transform your workforce into an excited and educated bunch of badge-earning brand evangelists!

While initially, MyTrailhead is being released as a tool for in-org users, eventually we hope to see it opened up, just like the original Trailhead, so that it’ll become a tool for empowering your communities, partners, fans, customers, and anybody else interested in your organization.

The official release is slated for Q1 of next year, but now’s the perfect time to start planning, prepping, and crafting content so that you (and your team) will be able to hit the trails running!

If you’d like to get started learning more about what MyTrailhead might mean for your organization, how other companies will be embracing the opportunity, or how to get the most out of your learning content, reach out and we’ll be happy to schedule a chat!

And in the meantime, keep working hard, smart and happy — we’ll see you in the cloud.



Chris Stegall
creme de la crm

Digital Marketing Director @ MK Partners. Salesforce lover, user, and constant learner.