Mark Your Calendars: Best Salesforce Events March 22, 2021 — March 26, 2021

Caylin Schmenk
creme de la crm
Published in
5 min readMar 22, 2021

Did y’all know that Salesforce dropped a Virtual Events Badge?! I completed mine and they answered a question that I wasn’t really asking, but still wanted answers to. Why does Salesforce never or rarely have events on Mondays and Fridays? The answer is due to the work week and time zones across the world, and people not having as much interest on those days of the week. It kind of makes sense to me, however that being said, sometimes people are swamped in the middle of the week and can’t ever attend events. So for all of us Monday and Friday people, I am here for you and will try to find those events for you to attend! But in the meantime, we are starting off on Tuesday, just as Salesforce planned. So sit back, open up your calendars and let’s get planning!

As things slowly return to normal, a lot of businesses have made adjustments that will be permanent. If you are curious about what colleges and universities plan on doing then attend the 2021 Innovation Leadership Forum at 10am (PDT) on Tuesday, March 23rd. Michael V. Drake, the President of the University of California and Barbara Snyder, the President of the Association of American Universities are guest speakers at this event and will be talking about the critical challenges and opportunities that higher education is facing today, how universities are leading through change, and how they are helping students thrive. This event is open to all too!

So I found out today that being a grantmaker is an actual career and I had no idea. Apparently they are a critical part in deciding what nonprofits get money or investments. Additionally, grant seekers, or the person representing the nonprofit, doesn’t like this process, as it can be daunting and they need to make sure they tell their story right in order to secure a grant. So if you are a grantmaker or a grant seeker, then you should sign up for Both Sides of the Portal: How Grantmakers Can Reimage Due Diligence. Grantmakers will learn how to build a framework for due diligence, how to clarify what information is needed from grant seekers, and both grantmakers and seekers will learn how to identify the right team members to include in this process. This event is on Wednesday, March 24th at 9am (PDT).

If you are looking to end the day with a little less thinking then the San Francisco Marker (Pardot) group is hosting B2B Marketing/ Pardot User Group Virtual Happy Hour! At 4pm (PDT) this group wants you to come prepared with any marketing related questions you may have. Everyone is welcome to join in, but you do need to RSVP beforehand.

Who is ready to feel empowered this week?! Everyone should have said “me!” On Thursday, March 25th the Irvine Women in Tech group is hosting #IAmRemarkable Virtual Workshop at 5pm (PDT). #IamRemarkable is a “Google initiative empowering women and other underrepresented groups to celebrate their achievements in the workplace and beyond.” They have over 185,000 participants in 150 countries, with 82% of their participants stating that they felt more confident after attending the event! There are only 40 seats available so you need to RSVP ASAP!

The Phoenix Admin group has a 2 in 1 event at 6:30pm (MST). March Methods: Salesforce Success & Science is focusing on The Science of Consulting and How to Network to Get Work with Less Than Expected Efforts. The guest speaker in Science of Consulting will talk about applying the scientific method to Salesforce problem solving, and as someone who has degrees in the science fields, I appreciate that. Then the guest speaker in How to Network to Get Work with Less Than Expected Efforts will talk about utilizing Ohana and the people you know in the Salesforce ecosystem what you are looking for! This is a fun and informative presentation on how to optimize CRM best practices in your own relationships with people.

I couldn’t find you a Friday event, but I could find a Saturday event! On March 27th at 12:30pm (PDT) the San Ramon Admin group are going to be focusing on emails. March Features Mass Mailer, native Salesforce email AppExchange app plus Admin to PD1 study group is occurring for 2 hours so bring lunch. The first half will focus on learning more about the app, Mass Mailer, and how that can help you compared to Marketing Cloud or Pardot when sending mass emails. Also, there will be a demo about segmentation features and journey builder for the marketing process. Then the last hour of the meeting will focus on the study group. There will be swag prices or vouchers given away so that should encourage y’all to sign up!


Last week, we started with the empowering event, SheforceWIT IWD2021 — Importance of Diversity & Inclusion — Women Empowerment Globally, where WIT leaders and panelists from around the world discussing the importance of diversity and inclusion. In The Total Economic Impact of Salesforce B2B Commerce Featuring Forrester Consulting you heard about organizations who have implemented Salesforce B2B commerce and how they leveraged it to increase revenue, market faster, and become more efficient, helping them overall deliver better customer experiences. Then we learned a whole lot about Slack in St. Patrick’s Day (Virtual) Lunch and Learn about Slack!

COVID: One Year On talked about how everything is returning back to normal, rather than the “new normal”, what we have all learned during this year and was hosted by Mary Nemerov, the CPO of the California Academy of Science. London’s Calling 2021, one of Europe’s largest Salesforce professional community events had over 50 sessions, so tweet us and let us know about your favorite session! The dreaded multi-factor authentication starts February 1st of 2022 and in order to help you prepare early, the MFA All You Need to Know with the Missoula, MT Salesforce User Group gave tips and informed us on what we need to know before this is required for customers and users. Tweet us @mkpartners and let us know what your favorite event was!

Also, make sure to let us know if you think there are any events worth mentioning and what event you are excited about this upcoming week. And, as always, we will see you in the cloud.



Caylin Schmenk
creme de la crm

Event and Volunteer Coordinator at MK Partners. Enjoys the smaller things in life.