Sales and AI “Influencers” You Need to Know

Chris Stegall
creme de la crm
Published in
3 min readJun 25, 2024

According to Salesforce

Social media won. Gone are the monopolies of the monolithic media companies. People no longer pick up a newspaper to pair with their morning coffee, instead they reach for their phones. And it’s not the evening news that tells us what happened over the course of the day anymore, it’s our coworkers, kids, and the “plugged in” among us who post, comment, watch, tell, and re-tell.

We live in an era of “influencers” and, luckily, “influencer” isn’t viewed as a bad word by the non-marketing-departments anymore! In fact, most folks follow at least some people they don’t know for professional insight, updates, and news on LinkedIn, Instagram, or their platforms of preference!

So, who should you be following in the world of Sales, Business, and Artificial Intelligence? Luckily for us, Salesforce composed as helpful list of their picks for the top 39(!) influencers in the space!

This is around-up of 2024’s most insightful, influential, and impactful voices in tech.

Let’s dive in!


Sales never changes.

Sales changes every day.

Both of those statements are true.

It seems like, while the fundamental principles, approaches, and tenets of sales are almost hard-wired into the human psyche, the ever-changing landscape of technology presents endless opportunities to adapt, improve, and sell more effectively. And, with the introduction of new communication channels, artificial intelligence, and shifting prospect expectations, it’s more important than ever to stay up to date on what’s effective.

This list of 27 Salesblazing influencers is broken out into sections for sales tactics, revenue growth, leadership, career development, and diversity in sales — so whatever your role in the sales world, you’re sure to find someone worth following to help make your feed more professionally valuable!

Artificial Intelligence

It feels like every piece of media about artificial intelligence is a hotbed of opinions, judgements, predictions, and prognostications —and then you’ve got the comment sections.

So how do you separate the wheat from the chaff?

This article lays out 12 voices worth making sure you can hear over the clamor and includes “influencers from academia and technology, writers chronicling the AI revolution, and those hoping to shape ethics and regulation”.

Who are Your Feed Faves?

We’d love to hear about the views and voices you value when they come across your feeds! Let us know who you’re listening to and learning from in the comments!

And, until next time, keep working hard, smart, and happy. We’ll see you in the cloud.



Chris Stegall
creme de la crm

Digital Marketing Director @ MK Partners. Salesforce lover, user, and constant learner.