Salesforce + Multi-Factor Authentication, Another Great Reason to Get Secure

Chris Stegall
creme de la crm
Published in
Oct 28, 2020

Securing access to your org is priority one for protecting your data. And one of the easiest, most effective ways to improve security is multi-factor authentication (MFA). Most people are familiar with the concept — on top of a username and password combo, users also have their identities confirmed along one (or more) additional avenues.

The Winter ’21 release made setting up MFA even easier with the rollout of the Multi-Factor Authentication Assistant and now Salesforce is giving you another reason to set up your org securely — a plushie giveaway!

The first 1,000 admins to complete the steps outlined on the promo page below before December 9, 2020 will be eligible to receive an Astro MFA Plushie!

The idea is to give admins everywhere a chance to test the MFA waters with a few of their most-adept users, and get a feel for what it will take to move your whole org to MFA when the timing’s right!

So, sign up, set up, and collect that swag!

And, if you need a hand rolling out MFA in your org, have broader security best-practice questions, or are looking for help configuring and customizing your Salesforce experience, drop us a line! We’re always happy to help.

Until next time, keep working hard, smart, and happy. We’ll see you in the cloud.



Chris Stegall
creme de la crm

Digital Marketing Director @ MK Partners. Salesforce lover, user, and constant learner.