See You There: Midwest Dreamin’ 2024!

Jessie Penaloza
creme de la crm
Published in
4 min read2 days ago

Trailblazers head to MLPS!

This year marks Midwest Dreamin's 10th anniversary! Their goal was to lead, organize, and establish a ‘Super User Group’ with inspiring speakers in the Midwest for learning, and networking and, with this milestone reached, their efforts continue to reap tremendous results in the twin cities.

This year, once again, the event will take place at the Hyatt Regency and officially begins prep today, Wednesday, July 17th, with sponsor/setup, badge pickup, and then kickoff the main event in the afternoon!

What to Expect (Weather Wise)

Here’s what’s in store weather-wise for Minneapolis, MN this week! Mid-to-high-70s weather during the day, followed by a cool low-60s leading up to the night. Not bad if you ask me, so make sure to pack some light jackets to keep you warm if it gets cold. Don’t forget to always take a pair of comfortable shoes as well since you will be walking more than usual.

MWD Demo Jam Champion

Their “Coveted Demo Jam” never fails to make an appearance at Midwest Dreamin’ and does so once more this year. A multi-round competition that requires various ISVs/SIs to go head-to-head to demo their Apps in 3-minute intervals. The first round kicks off on Thursday, July 18th.

Attendees will have a chance to vote for their favorite and pick a winner. Participants go above and beyond to create experiences to be crowned the Demo Jam Champion. We should anticipate some crafty demos with fashionably relevant (though occasionally questionable) attire.

The Agenda

This event takes a different approach by opening later during the first day and ending earlier on the last day. Sponsors take advantage of setting things up on that first day during the first half between 8 am and 12 pm, then registration and the expo hall open right at noon. Sessions start from 1 pm until 5 pm followed by the Opening Keynote. Once that’s a wrap enjoy the opening reception and happy hour activities.

The next day, July 18th, attendees can enter the expo at 8 am. Sessions will continue to take place along with the Demo Jam Rounds, Lunch, and much more. Make sure to network with others to find out where to catch the next gathering.

On the final day, the remaining sessions will take place along with the Closing Keynote. Then the wrapup will include a 10th Anniversary Slideshow which should include a collection of memories to share and remember for many years to come.

Make sure to review your agenda to plan and attend as many activities as possible.

Stay Connected Using The “Whova” App

If you have attended Salesforce community conferences then you are familiar with the Whova App. More and more accepted within the Salesforce communities as its features and functionality meet and exceed event goals. Nevertheless make sure to download the App and start connecting with fellow Trailblazers, right now!

From finding the next group meetup to learning more about sponsors and activities taking place each day the Whova app is your one-stop source to stay connected and learn more.


As always, a Keynote promises to be a huge audience draw! This event will include an Opening and Closing Keynote. Jennifer W. Lee, Salesforce Lead Admin Evangelist, will kick off the Opening Keynote on day one.

Where Linda Anderson, Salesforce VP of Customer Success, will wrap up the event with the Closing Keynote.

In-Person Networking Opportunities

Throughout each day the opening reception and many other activities will be posted on Whova to bring Trailblazers closer together to meet and greet based on role, topic, or interest. Wine, beer, and other drinks along with some appetizers and food may be served during each activity so enjoy some food and have a down-to-earth conversation with the person right next to you.

Leverage these moments to learn more and make connections that may nudge your career opportunities to their next level.

What are you looking for?

Let us know why you plan to attend these community conferences so we make sure to do our research and include them in our next installment!

Until next time keep working hard, smart, and happy. And we’ll see you in the cloud!



Jessie Penaloza
creme de la crm

Never too old to learn something new. Always looking for new ways to engage with others.