Why CremePieSwap DEX & AMM can moon your crypto project

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3 min readJul 31, 2021

The recent saturation and flooding of the market may cause some great projects to be swept under the rug. Every day, hundreds of new projects continue to launch, with little originality, hoping that a comical name alone will moon their project. Genuine projects with great ideas and fundamentals, looking to make a name for themselves, may have trouble standing out from the crowd. In order to have a successful project in DEX Crypto, there are many variables and options that need to be considered for mooning a project.

So what is currently the best way to moon a project?

What is CremePieSwap?

CremePieSwap is the newest decentralized exchange and automated market maker protocol on the Polygon network. CremePieSwap aims to bring large amounts of untapped volume to the MATIC ecosystem, just like how PancakeSwap has brought great volume to the BSC. While providing a seamless trading experience is one of the key selling points, CremePieSwap also provides great APR through staking, options for farming, lottery systems, and much more.

The added advantages of building on the MATIC network have seen CremePieSwap enjoying faster transactions speeds and much lower gas fees than other competitors, additionally, users are able to transact with CremePieSwap without the need to sign in, and instead, connect a wallet with a touch of a button.

Three reasons why CremePieSwap will moon your project

If you’ve been looking for a way to moon your project, you’re in luck! CremePieSwap may just be your best bet in mooning a cryptocurrency project in 2021. The brand new DEX has some excellent advantages that other options simply do not have. Listing through a DEX is automatically a check in the box for success, as this will immediately send more transactions and liquidity to your project. Aside from the basics, a DEX has to offer, CremePieSwap has some added advantages. Here are three reasons why CremePieSwap will moon your project.

Strong community backing

CremePieSwap has one of the strongest communities in Defi today. The joint collaboration of communities from 100xCoin, LaunchZone, and BARMY, has made their presence known on social media through trending tweets even before CremePieSwap had launched. All three projects have already well-established communities and have created a small ‘nation’ of members all across the globe. Having this type of intense backing translates into great liquidity support on all listed projects on CremePieSwap. Promotions for newly listed coins will be partially done by social media presence. The support of CremePieSwap’s community will be immediate in any coin listed on the native DEX.

An active project

As one of the most active projects in Defi today, CremePieSwap enjoys the constant evolution and development through the combined innovation of three well-established cryptocurrencies. 100xCoin, LaunchZone, and BARMY all contribute to the promotional and developmental aspects of listed projects on CremePieSwap. Having the backing of multiple entities from an initial listing will push the price of any coin to new heights.

The first major DEX & AMM

CremePieSwap is the first major DEX & AMM protocol on the Polygon network. Being the first in an up-and-coming blockchain network will have similar results to early projects on the BSC network. New cryptocurrencies that choose to list with CremePieSwap will have the opportunity to reach a brand new audience that is currently uncontested. Any strong project that positions itself in Polygon’s unsaturated market and is listed on the only major DEX & AMM protocol will have the opportunity to be incredibly successful and possibly even reach the moon.




PJ is a content writer and crypto enthusiast who has been invested in the crypto market since 2017.