So What Does It Mean To Be a Witch

Tala Seth
Crescent Chalice
Published in
3 min readDec 8, 2019

How does it feel to be a witch? Contrary to the common belief that we’re ugly greenish old ladies with warts, witches very often tend to be beautiful! Or overlooked! Usually both, unless we want to be seen. To be more precise, we come in all shapes, sizes, colors and orientations, but we’re still the most beautiful beings among humans.

Witches have turned heads for centuries

What does make a witch so beautiful, you ask? I think it’s our minds. Their amazing strengths and charm tend to seep out. As witches we’ve taken a path that other human beings conveniently avoid. It’s the path of truth and at the same time a path of compassion, understanding of the world around us, responsibility and recognition (mostly of bad choices but there are a few gems in there as well!). We also have a great sense of humor! I mean, how can we not?

To be a witch is to resolve your past mistakes and learn from them

Imagine you defy everything you learned through your religious childhood to be free and learn the truth of life, energies and magick. On your way there you bump into yourself. You apologize and step aside, and then you fall down. That treacherous you has pushed you and is now rubbing something weird in your face. Something that happened 15 years ago and you were sure you already forgot about it. The anxiety is at its peak, you never asked for it. You wanted to paint fairies, leave them offerings, meet a God or two and cast spells, but here you are, crying over something mean you said back then.

Magick sets your soul free

Also contrary to the common belief, energy work, magick and being a witch is a pure form of freedom. By choosing to walk this path you’ve decided to strip your soul naked and let it roam, grow, cry, get up again, learn and shine. You are truly a witch because you will laugh over your past stupid self even when it hurts. You will learn to argue with your house ghost instead of fearing it and you might become addicted to dark places. At least the dark places that reside outside yourself. But the true darkness you’ll learn to love and be in is your inner one. This is where your power is hidden and you will love getting back for more. This precisely is what makes a witch so beautiful! We appear naked and vulnerable on our journey to find the true magick. But as we walk an ocean of power grows under our feet, waiting for us to harness it.

The true beauty is this vulnerability, it makes us the strongest souls out there. There is nothing more beautiful than the genuine you. Therefore love thyself!

Originally published at on December 8, 2019.



Tala Seth
Crescent Chalice

A witch, mom, wife, doctor and wire artist. Perfectly introverted. Will type for hours if I don’t need to talk. Owner of Crescent Chalice