Simple Health & Wellness Tips

Jackie Ann
Crescent Moon
Published in
7 min readJun 12, 2022

Here are the most important (as well as the most overlooked and most simple) things you can do to improve your health, well-being, and vitality. Yes, it can be hard to do these things but if well-being is important to you (and what’s more important than health and well-being?), it will be a priority. Nobody is too busy for the things and people that matter to them. Even if you incorporate these healthy habits into your life in little ways, it counts and builds up over time. As you start feeling the benefits, you’ll keep moving toward the healthier habits that induce them. And remember that this isn’t a one-time decision. I like to think of my life as a constant decision, made over and over, to prioritize the things that truly matter: my values, standards, goals, relationships, health and well-being as well as the constant striving to improve myself and evolve over time. I don’t try to be someone else; I try to be the best version of me and seek out relationships that complement me and are mutually growth-producing. Here are some simple and highly effective ways to stay on the path of wellness and growth:

  1. Get good sleep! Sleep improves mood and makes you feel better physically and mentally; It literally makes you happier. Sleep improves cognitive performance, memory, physical recovery, and mood. Prioritize it as much as you can because after just one night of bad sleep, many negative effects occur such as: increased appetite and higher likelihood that you’ll eat late night snacks, increased odds that you’ll have an accident, a worn and tired physical appearance, a weakened immune system which makes us more susceptible to sickness, and a depletion of brain tissue. Needless to say, chronic sleep deprivation (less than 5 hrs / night) has a highly negative impact on our health and well-being. Try to get at least 7 hrs / night and practice good sleep hygiene such as turning off devices before bed, sleeping in a dark and quiet room, and not having a phone within reach.
  2. Don’t put toxins in or on your body! Your body is your vessel throughout this life; why would you want to mistreat it? How can you expect to perform at your best if you’re poisoning yourself? Be very mindful of the foods that you eat and the products that you use. Try to eat organic, raw, grass-fed / grass-finished as much as possible and be aware of the ingredients in what you consume. Also be mindful of products that may contain chemicals & toxins and opt for more natural ones. Makeup, nail polish, shampoos, cleaning supplies, cooking and food storage products, and many other common products frequently contains toxins. Know the ingredients and the source of everything you eat and know the materials used to create the products you use! Be aware of what your body is eating and absorbing!
  3. Don’t put toxins in your mind! Be aware of the content you are mentally consuming: things other people say, advertisements, social media, etc. Be mindful of the motivation behind the content you’re consuming (i.e., to make you feel bad about yourself so you can either be sold a product or make someone else feel better about themself at your expense). Social media is a big trap because it’s too easy to get caught in a mindless scrolling session in which we absorb countless toxic ideas and compare our real self and our real life to fake online personas. Nobody’s life is as perfect as it looks in a crafted, photo-shopped social media presence. Be aware of “influencers” and the messages they put forth. Just because someone has many followers doesn’t necessarily mean the content they’re producing is quality content that will enrich those who engage with it. Sadly it’s too often the opposite and social media status is often (but of course not always) gained by exploiting oneself and one’s relationships just to gain popularity, “status”, and the ability to “influence” people i.e., sell products to them. Don’t mindlessly consume or mindlessly follow trends. Develop and nurture your own mind and your own discernment. An example for women: you don’t have to draw on your eyebrows with a sharpie, apply lipstick outside of your lips in an attempt at making them look bigger, cake on layers of contouring foundation, or put so much highlighter on your nose that it looks like a fluorescent light strip — unless of course you really like how that looks. I find it very hard to believe that such a large number of women do like that look yet it’s ridiculously prevalent. Just because something is trendy and popular doesn’t mean it looks good or that it’s a healthy thing to mentally/emotionally/physically consume. Always be aware. Use your judgement. Use your discernment. Stay true to your values and to yourself.
  4. Eat a healthy diet! This is a little different for each person, but it goes without saying that fast food and processed foods are no-no’s. Experiment and see what works for you.
  5. Exercise! An inactive body is not a healthy body. Move as much as you can and exercise for at least 30 mins / day. The more, the better. But at least do the minimum. Again, see what works for you and what you enjoy.
  6. Let yourself rest, recover, and recharge! Be smart about knowing when to push yourself and when you need to pull back. Life is a balancing act. Tip for introverts (and I know this because I am one): you need more time alone to process your thoughts, feelings, and experiences than extraverts do — let yourself have that time; it’s a good thing because it recharges you and therefore helps you build stronger connections with others than if you felt depleted all the time from depriving yourself of your recharge time because you’re trying to be an extravert.
  7. Be in nature! Connect with the earth. Touch it. Walk on it. Lay on it. Get sun on your skin (the early morning is the best for this) and be outside as much as you can. Human beings are part of the earth, not separate from it, and we are meant to be in connection with our environment.
  8. Meditate / practice presence! Meditation doesn’t mean you have to sit on a cushion for 40 minutes and have zero thoughts (which is impossible). Start small. Just be aware of the present moment. Begin to recognize where your mind is at any given time. Is it here now or is it wandering? Breathe and focus on the breath. This takes practice and it develops over time. I’ve been doing a mindful practice everyday for 12 mins / day for the past 5 months and I feel incredible benefits in my ability to focus, to let things go, to express myself when I need to, and in my ability to really be in the moment and to not spend so much energy ruminating on the past or being concerned about the future. There are so many resources available for this. Explore what works for you.
  9. Know yourself! Do the inner work; get in touch with your emotions; identify your needs, desires, goals, and dreams; explore your past traumas and hurts; discover what’s authentic for you; be honest; have integrity; accept yourself and take responsibility for the areas in which you need to change. This is a lifetime’s work and it is built by fostering awareness of yourself and doing a little bit everyday. Indulge in pleasurable activities without judgement or holding back. Spoiler alert: If you get good at being present then you will often find pleasure in even the smallest everyday things.
  10. Connect with people! Put work into your relationships, be authentic, be honest. Surround yourself with like-minded individuals and build a sense community & camaraderie. Let your tribe be your mirror. Recognize the things they show you about yourself that you couldn’t have realized on your own. The primary way we learn is through relationship. Hold yours in the highest regard. Honor the bonds you have with people in your life and also learn to let go of ones that don’t serve.
  11. Recognize the interconnectedness of life. There is no separation. We are all connected. This is a universal truth. This is why what we put out comes back to us. Assess what you’re putting out and adjust it as needed. What you give to others is mirrored back to you. The outside is a reflection of what is inside. If you wouldn’t like to receive it, don’t give it. If you don’t like what you’re receiving, reassess what you’re giving.
  12. Be kind! This starts with being kind to yourself. Self-compassion is something most of us lack. Anger has a purpose but when it burns too strongly, water is needed to put it out.
  13. Experience awe! Whatever is awe-inducing for you, seek experiences where you can feel it and let yourself fully experience it. I have felt awe from small things like having a lady bug land on me or enjoying a really delicious meal, to big things like watching an eclipse, standing at the base of a gigantic tree, and feeling love / compassion.
  14. Laugh! Be light and humorous; don’t take everything so seriously. From my personal experience, I know that I can get very serious and perfectionistic when I’m pursuing a goal or learning a skill so I like to balance that out with being a goofball, watching stand-up comedy, and making jokes. Life is a balancing act and it’s not all serious business.



Jackie Ann
Crescent Moon

Passionate writer who enjoys using the creative process as a means of self expression and self reflection.