Liquidity Mining Program on GYSR

Up to 25,000 wCRES for grabs if you’re a Uniswap LP

4 min readMar 9, 2021


We’re excited to announce a new liquidity mining program in cooperation with GYSR, an open platform for yield farming and token distribution.

To incentivize liquidity provision of wCRES, we are launching a Geyser on 9 March. The program will reward liquidity providers of the wCRES/ETH pair on Uniswap with 25,000 wCRES over 4 months.

To claim these rewards, users must first provide an equivalent amount of wCRES and ETH to the wCRES pool on Uniswap. After receiving a correspondent amount of wCRES-ETH LP tokens in return, the LP tokens need to be staked on the GYSR platform.

The rewards will be incremented every time liquidity on the Uniswap pool increases by 20,000 wCRES. Five tranches of 5,000 wCRES will be released by 4 July.

Here’s how to participate

1. You must first add liquidity to the wCRES-ETH pair on Uniswap.

Uniswap will generate a certain amount of UNI-V2 Liquidity tokens, corresponding to your share in the pool. You will have to manually add the LP tokens to your wallet to be able to see them.

wCRES / ETH UNI-V2 Address: 0xf650233eC6ea1C6717aC4F409F09e6C9EBC8C4D2

2. Go to the wCRES Geyser at, connect your wallet and approve the UNI-V2 tokens.

3. Stake the UNI-V2 tokens in the smart contract.

Illustrative figures

The staking of Uni V2 LP tokens on the GYSR platform is not locked. You can choose to leave the program whenever you want. Bear in mind that the rewards increase on a linear scale, so if you stay in for the long haul, you get more wCRES.

4. You immediately start seeing your wCRES rewards growing.

Ready to start?

Head over to and start earning!

On the Rewards

Your rewards grow with time: as we reach the end of the program, they multiply 4x over the liquidity program duration. The time multiplier goes from 1.0 to 4.0 over 120 days.

The longer you stake in the Geyser, the bigger your share of the rewards gets. Conversely, the more liquidity providers participate, the thinner it becomes.

It’s a race for the max reward of 25,000 wCRES. The early birds get the best chances.

Multiply your rewards with the GYSR token (optional)

If you happen to own some GYSR just before you unstake, you can boost your wCRES rewards.

If for example you want to unstake after a month, and you are entitled to 100 wCRES, you can spend some GYSR and get 50, 100 or more wCRES (figurative numbers).

The GYSR tokens used to boost rewards come to us. The more liquidity providers use GYSR to multiply their rewards, the weaker its multiplier effect becomes.

Boosting rewards is optional. You don’t need GYSR to use the Geyser.


What is liquidity mining?:

GYSR App: Here’s a video on how to stake and unstake.


  • All liquidity mining programs bear the risk of impermanent loss. Participants of this program are responsible for any losses incurred during their participation.
  • GYSR protocol has been successfully audited by Pessimistic (formerly SmartDec). But as all smart contracts bear some risk: there could be vulnerabilities and money could be lost.

Read more on GYSR here:


Head to

and start earning!

About CrescoFin

Founded in 2019, CrescoFin SA is a Financial Services company offering insured Certificates of Deposit to institutional and private clients, by harnessing the security and transparency of blockchain technology in trade finance transactions. Deposits are held in several denominations including US Dollars, Swiss Francs, and Euros, as well as digital currency. The company is incorporated and regulated in Switzerland and its digital equity tokens (wCRES) are listed on the Uniswap and DODO exchanges.

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Bloomberg: CREFIN |USD ISIN CH0558513484 | CHF ISIN CH0558513468 | EURO ISIN CH0558513476


  • Stani Kulechov, Founder of Aave
  • Diane Dai, Co-Founder of the DODO Exchange
  • Damian Horner, Co-Founder, Real Vision
  • The Crypto Dog, Investor
  • Ryan Sean Adams, Co-Founder at Bankless
  • David Hoffman, Co-Founder at Bankless
  • David Gokhshtein, Founder of Gokhshtein Media

In the Media:

Real Vision

The Defiant





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