How to Build an Elite Trade Validation Process: Part 1

Carrie Bryant
Published in
5 min readMar 22, 2022

Every merchant reaches a stage of growth that requires an advanced Trade Promotion Software (TPM) solution to help scale revenue and track ongoing trade spend. Choosing the right tool is an impactful decision, so it’s worth investing time in finding the right platform for your brand.

The right platform can help your team plan, track, optimize, and forecast spend, but there are still components of spend management that you cannot rely on software to own for you. This is where a strategically planned Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) comes in. This SOP will ensure your trade rate is durable and you’ll know why or why not your team hits projections.

The pairing of a TPM solution and SOP can take your trade validation process to the next level.
Before jumping in, it’s important to note that this process will scale in complexity as your brand expands. It’s never too early to start, and being proactive will give you a leg up on competitors.

To begin, we’ll run through the first two steps involved in a monthly validation process.

Ensure you have the right teams involved

The first step to a successful validation process is delegating tasks to appropriate stakeholders.

In the process of delegation, these are the three teams typically involved:

Trade team

The trade team should be composed of trade analysts, business intelligence managers, strategy directors, department vice presidents, and anyone else who reports on trade.

Sales team

The sales team should be composed of account managers, brokers, account directors, the VP of sales, and any other regional players that are involved in promotion planning.

Each sales manager will have the responsibility each month to ensure trade is properly entered and closed on time, and that brokers follow your process. A best practice is to pull data by:

  • Trade promotion or promotion planner (within Cresicor)
  • Sales region
  • Customer
  • Account

Finance and deductions team

The finance & deductions team should be composed of AR & AP specialists, financial analysts, controllers, directors of FP&A, CFO, and any others involved in processing deductions.

Implement your monthly validation process to make cash king

The next step is for the trade manager to set up monthly meetings with your sales managers to review performance by channel and region. We recommend including this meeting within the month-close process, occurring a week before finance starts their reconciliations.

We’ve put together a high-level order of operations to review at your monthly trade meeting:

1. Timely closeout of all promotions

First, ensure the remaining balances not used on each promotion are safe to send back to the company. Second, align deductions to promotions and allocate your cashflow not accounted for back to your budget. And third, make sure your team verifies that all accurate deductions have been matched to their correlating promotions so they can be successfully closed out.

2. Validate pending and submitted promotions

Export your promotions and filter by either sales associate or customer to see the promotions that are sitting in a “pending” or “submitted” status.

This is vital because if these promotions are not processed they can delay the process.

Notably, Cresicor solves this by offering an advanced search feature where you can search by promotion status, customer, and which user the customer is assigned to if needed.

3. Promotions that have a zero forecast

Ensure there are no promotions with zero units or dollars as the expected sales volume. This will help to avoid sales errors and should verify your forecast at three different stages:

  • By customer
  • By promotion
  • By rate

4. Search for promo duplications

Make sure that there are no “double-dipping” instances. This is either when the user enters the same promotion twice by accident, or when a distributor level discount is unknowingly overlapped with a retailer level discount, providing too large of a total discount.

This is vital when you have multiple users or a large broker network within the TPM system. We recommend using Cresicor’s Advanced Search or calendar interface to quickly cross-check.

Five fields to analyze are:

  • Promotion description
  • Start and end date
  • Product group
  • Fund type

5. Contracts are attached

Ensure that contracts are attached and matched in the system to help with promotion support. If they don’t match, you’ll need to resolve it with the salesperson or broker who created the deal.

6. Make sure there are no fiscal date errors

Confirm trade does not cross your fiscal months, and/or quarters. All values should fall within the appropriate time frames of the promotion.

7. Slotting check

Ensure slotting occurs in the current month you are in. If it’s not in the current month, move the promotion start date and end date to future months.

8. Trade deep dive consultation

Move all your promotions into the correct status and delivery month. If you don’t do this on time you are holding the company’s cash.

A deep understanding of variable trade helps you know what falls within a trade rate in your promotion. From here you look at what promotions etc are driving your variable trade rate:

  • Prior period impact, promotion drivers, and forecast analysis.
  • What promotions were underspent/overspent from previous months/current month that affected your trade?
  • Why were you as a team over forecasting or under forecasting?
  • What is the trend you see as a trade manager?
  • What specific teams are dropping the ball on this and what SKUs and customers?

9. Have a yearly planning matrix

A planning matrix will become your source of truth. This is for finance or trade teams to communicate across to the sales team and brokers.

It showcases what type of promotion falls where and how do you set that up in the system so trade is tracked properly to finance.

10. Verify indirect sales ratios

This will be done by each indirect customer and PPG. Finally, the percentage should be allocated to 100%. These verifications should include:

  • Product name/PPG
  • Effective start date
  • From account
  • To account
  • Sales

