How to write a perfect resume?

Hasangi Rathnayake
Resume Tips & Hacks
5 min readMar 17, 2021

It is no surprise that job seeking and headhunting have become competitive today. With the growing trends of markets, the opportunities that lay ahead of them, the skills required and the potential skill sets available, the companies are now beginning to use different HR and management strategies to ensure that they hunt the right candidates. One they have already used is the ATS (Applicant Tracking System) system which eases the CV picking process. This is not the only one. There are many more. That’s where writing a perfect resume matters and why you must know how to write a perfect resume. Alright, after all, how to write a perfect resume then? Keep on reading. We will unveil the top secrets to writing a perfect resume below.

Well, let’s straightaway come down to finding the top factors that you need to consider in writing the resume.

First advice to follow before starting to write the perfect resume

The first thing you need to keep in mind is that you should not right away start writing the perfect professional resume without a clear idea. Rather, we suggest you ask two questions yourself. That’s “What is the position I’m going to apply for?” and, “What makes my resume stand out?” And try to have a simple mapping on your mind as to how to align your resume and make stand out with your summary, achievements, and skills sets to the position that you are applying for.

Alright. You are now ready to catch the next factors. Below are them

Keywords are a must on your professional resume

How to write a perfect resume - some keywords on a resume

Keywords and key phrases are the backbone of every great resume. Therefore, start by selecting job-specific keywords that are important to your previous work experience, qualifications, and career goals to use keywords to develop your successful resume. Descriptors of personality and specific soft skills are not what a recruiter or prospective employers actually look for nowadays. For instance, if you are a professional in the business industry, be it an Accountant or a Marketing Manager or anyone, the keywords like effective, self-motivated, amiable communicator are not going to help you there. Because they do not look for such. Rather, Technical abilities and actual job titles like cost accountant, contract negotiation, and management of profit and loss are easier keywords to use when writing your resume.

Build up your professional resume

Modify your resume for the position you are trying to chase. Do not mention all your roles at your previous job in the work history tab of your resume. Too many job seekers construct a resume that is trying to impress an employer by saying “look at all the duties I had!” This is a common resume error. They don’t mind those that won’t help them. Instead, list the duties from your job experience that are Most Relevant to the role you are attempting to obtain for an effective professional resume. Then it is easier to select achievements and accomplishments that are linked and list those. These are all the actual job requirements, and that is what an employer cares about.

Add list accomplishments and contributions to resume format

Employers want to see what you can do for them, what you are going to bring to the table with a value-added service or skill set. So, list down accomplishments and contributions and add them to your resume format not just only duties. When they review a resume, they want to know what you really achieved in your last job position and how it translates into their business needs. Choose the achievements that are unique to the work position that you are applying for.

Demonstrate your role

Market your experience, talents, and skills. Headhunters or Human Resource Managers always say the most important thing is the first one-third of a resume. If their eyes catch the top one-third of the page, then they would take the time to read the rest. You can make your resume stand out by developing a powerful career overview at the top and then adding a core strengths section right below.

Design a persuasive opening summary

Sample Professional Summary

Build a strong summary statement for the introduction. It is important to relate your introductory statement to the role you want to obtain, sell your best attributes, and be Strong. They wish to look for the ‘WOW’ factor when they read an introductory statement. They want their attention to be strained, to convince them that you are the best choice for their job, and to make them want to read the rest of your resume. Do not only make a resume logical statement if they have not been clear enough already. Keep in mind you need to answer what the employer wants and needs, not just what you want from them.

Show your eligibility to work

In a core knowledge section, highlight your strengths. For keywords, this is an excellent spot. Using this section’s industry-specific keywords. If you place your keywords here and spread them in the resume, the chances of going through an applicant tracking system improve significantly or being the first to turn up on a work board in a potential employer’s search.

Keep your resume eye catching

Create a resume that is eye-catching. There is no excuse for you for not using/having a modern resume format that is visually enticing. Mind it that even with the simple tools or programmes like Microsoft Word, formatting matters. Therefore in order to be reader-friendly and eye-catching, you will need to pay extra attention on designing your resume format/layout. Also remember to select a font that is easy to read and use plenty of white space. Do not attempt to load a one-page resume with everything. Because if it is, the manager or a senior opens the resume, they will not spend any of their time looking through it to find the data they need if it is a crowded, jumbled mess. A messy resume is probably going to be the end of their interest in recruiting you. However, if the structure, style, and layout/format of your resume are attractive and simple to read, they would be more likely to read through the rest of the document and learn about your job experience, accomplishments, and skill set.

You may be one who has been seeking a perfect resume for freshers or for a professional job shift, new job, or any. But whoever, you may be, we believe that you have got a fine idea about how to write a perfect professional resume now. To see perfect resume examples 2021 and how they have been shaped with these resume writing tips in our work, look at our website’s resume samples.



Hasangi Rathnayake
Resume Tips & Hacks

A professional content marketing professional who is keen on recruitment, resume writing and cover letter writing. Talks most on resume tips and hacks