Interview Tips and Tricks

Hasangi Rathnayake
Resume Tips & Hacks
4 min readNov 27, 2023

In the competitive job market of 2023, securing an interview is a significant accomplishment. To help you go beyond the initial resume screening, Cresuma’s suite of tools, including the Free Resume Builder, Keyword Finder, and Buzzword Checker, can be invaluable. However, once you’ve landed that interview, it’s crucial to be well-prepared. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into interview tips, tricks, and hacks to ensure you leave a lasting impression on hiring managers.

Lets see what factors we need to pay more attention before facing for an interview.

1. Researching for Success:

  • In-depth research is the foundation of a successful interview. Explore the company’s website, social media, and reviews to understand its culture and goals.
  • Familiarize yourself with the job listing and align your skills and experiences with the position.
  • Learn about the interview format, whether it’s a panel or individual, in-person, online, or over the phone.

2. Dress for Success:

  • Choose attire that aligns with the company’s dress code. When in doubt, opt for a polished, professional look.
  • If possible, inquire about the dress code through recruiters or employees.

3. Essentials to Bring:

  • Always carry extra hardcopies of your resume, ensuring they are clean and well-highlighted with relevant keywords.
  • Bring a pen and notepad for note-taking, and have a reference list prepared, even if not explicitly requested.

4. Punctuality Matters:

  • Aim to arrive 10–15 minutes early, factoring in potential delays. Plan your route in advance and have contingency plans.
  • Punctuality reflects your commitment and professionalism.

10 Main Tips Before Facing an Interview

  1. Understand the Company Culture
  • Pay attention to the company’s values and work environment. Tailor your responses to reflect how your personality aligns with the organization.

2. Review the Job Description Thoroughly

  • Identify key skills and requirements. Prepare specific examples from your experience that demonstrate your proficiency in these areas.

3. Tally your work experience with the job description

Take a look at the job description and align your previous work experience with the job description. Let the recruiters know what you can bring to the table.

4. Practice Common Questions

  • Rehearse responses to standard questions, ensuring your answers are concise, relevant, and showcase your unique qualifications.

5. Use Key Words from the Job Description

  • Leverage the Keyword Finder to optimize your resume with industry-specific terms. Ensure your resume stands out in automated applicant tracking systems.

6. Seek Feedback from Peers

  • Conduct mock interviews with friends or mentors. Constructive feedback helps refine your responses and boosts your confidence.

7. Common Interview Questions and Stellar Answers

  • Prepare for common questions like “Tell me about yourself” and “How did you hear about this position?” Tailor your responses to highlight your strengths and alignment with the company’s mission.
  • Address questions about teamwork, stress management, and your interest in the role with confidence.

8. Communication Mastery with S.T.A.R. Method

  • Craft compelling stories using the Situation, Task, Action, and Result (S.T.A.R.) method.
  • Incorporate interview keywords to enhance the impact of your answers.

9. Building Confidence

  • Combat nervousness by practicing answers in front of a mirror or engaging in mock interviews.
  • Project confidence through positive body language and assertive yet polite responses.

10. Asking Smart Questions

  • Prepare a list of insightful questions to ask at the end of the interview, showcasing your enthusiasm.
  • Avoid salary and benefit discussions until prompted by the interviewer.

Post-Interview Etiquette

  • Inquire about the next steps in the interview process.
  • Send a personalized thank-you email on the same day, expressing your gratitude and reiterating your interest.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

Q1: Should I bring a portfolio to the interview?

  • A1: While it depends on the industry, bringing a portfolio can showcase your work and achievements. However, ensure it’s relevant to the position and doesn’t distract from your verbal responses.

Q2: How do I handle a question I’m not prepared for?

  • A2: Use the S.T.A.R. method to structure your response. Buy time by saying, “That’s a great question. I’d like to think about it for a moment,” then proceed with a thoughtful answer.

Q3: Is it appropriate to ask about salary and benefits during the interview?

  • A3: It’s generally better to wait for the interviewer to bring up the topic. However, research salary ranges beforehand so you can provide a well-informed response if asked.

Q4: What if I don’t have an answer to a question?

  • A4: Be honest about not having direct experience but pivot to related skills or situations where you’ve demonstrated adaptability and a willingness to learn.

Q5: How soon should I follow up after the interview?

  • A5: Send a thank-you email within 24 hours expressing appreciation for the opportunity. Inquire about the next steps and reiterate your enthusiasm for the position.



Hasangi Rathnayake
Resume Tips & Hacks

A professional content marketing professional who is keen on recruitment, resume writing and cover letter writing. Talks most on resume tips and hacks