Erick Ghandhi Resume — Resume format for Google featured image
Erick Ghandhi Resume that Google paid attention to

The Resume Format that Impressed Google’s Recruiters

Hasangi Rathnayake
Resume Tips & Hacks


Erick Ghandhi is a full stack designer with a creative eye. He has once in his life applied Google for the position of ‘Graphic Designer’. But his resume, had not taken the traditional look of the resumes that most people submit with. Rather, it had taken the exact look of the Google results page convincing the Google’s recruiter that he really is the designer who fit in the position of Google. And he had received a call from Google within 30 minutes after sharing his resume with them. He later served ebay, Disney, BuzzFeed, DocVcay and The Weather Channel with his creative skills and now the Head of Designing and the Co-Founder of Sandstone based in Los Angeles.

Below is the resume that Erick Ghandhi had shared with Google

Resume format for Google — Erick Ghandhi

This is great. Isn’t this? Well, what are the quick lessons we can learn from this? Let’s have a quick review on how and why this resume has been this much of an attention getter and effective.

1. Convincing Hiring Manager, Google

Here, you may see what Erick Ghandhi has used to promote himself as a designer with his resume. As we, as Cresuma, what we always advocate our readers is that your resume is your own promoter and you need to convince the hiring manager that how your skills and capabilities worked or work with the job related to you. And this is what exactly Erick Ghandhi has done too. Rather than just mentioning that he is a Graphic Designer, he had showcased his skills as a designer with the resume he created. And here, you may see that only had he been creative but also he had aligned and adapted to Google’s products to show how creative he will be with Google too, with their products in the future.

2. Familiar Resume Fonts for Google

Look at the font and the font sizes used for his resume. This font and size exactly matches with the font type and the size used by Google. This is amazing. Erick had understood the fact well, that Google knows its products well. If he used a different font type, this could have been quite unfamiliar to the hiring manager. And not only that most specifically, the recruiter could have found him as a person having a less sense for the appearance, UI and the user experience (UX).

3. Knowledge on the Company, Google

Let’s dive in a bit more. This resume also convinces the hiring manager to believe that he is well aware of Google and its behavior. You know to be able to be a good designer at a company, it is not only the designing capability a designer should have. He/she has to have a better understanding of the product as well. Because, then only he could bring the best out of him to take a share of the customer’s mind through his creativity. Simply, this is a game that involves, knowing the product and showing the customer how it relates to them in the most easiest and the creative way. Have a closer look on what he has used for the query?

best resume format for Google — Erick Ghandhi
Skills mentioned on Erick Ghandhi Resume

Here, you can see that he has used keywords here in the search bar. Meaning that if anyone searched for these his name and details would appear in the search engine results page of Google.

Well, now have a look on the suggestions section.

Resume format for Google — Erick ghandhi suggestions

Here, he has used the phrases which the hiring manager may need to consider about. Meaning indirectly he has tried to make the recruiter think of what Erick want him to consider about. Amazing right?

With this, you may find that there are a lot to think when you write a resume. It has to be unique in both content and appearance. The language you use, has to be convincing consisting resume action verbs

Well, the bottom line is that sometimes, you have to go beyond the traditional resume templates and use the latest and effective resume templates with the convincing resume action verbs to get the hiring manager’s attention to get hired easily.



Hasangi Rathnayake
Resume Tips & Hacks

A professional content marketing professional who is keen on recruitment, resume writing and cover letter writing. Talks most on resume tips and hacks