Photo by ben o’bro on Unsplash


Steve Frank
Cries from Inside
Published in
Feb 10, 2024


A future approaching.
A hope encroaching.
The promise of tomorrow.
The promise of the…


As I consider being lost.
Lost at sea.
In an unfamiliar space.
Encountering the unconsidered.
Open to the new.
Removed from…


My history.

The known.
The defined.
The controlled.

Stepping out…
ㅤㅤ the…


The undefined.

An open future.
A hopeful tomorrow.
A day of release.
A day of…


My future is approaching.
My tomorrow is enticing.
The promise is encroaching.
My restraint is releasing.

I am ready…
I am willing…
I am able…
To be…


Thoughts as I anticipate leaving on a singles cruise to Cabo…



Steve Frank
Cries from Inside

A programmer discovering himself in poetry…a lifetime preparing to write, now finally putting pen to paper. You’ll find me in my poetry.