True Crime

A Unique Serial Killer In British History in Every Sense

What makes Kenneth Erskine so unique?

Sam H Arnold
Published in
4 min readMay 19, 2021


Serial killer Kenneth Erskine
Kenneth Erskine — Photo in public domain

Kenneth Erskine is the only serial killer to be considered for parole. He is also the only killer to have his seven murder charges commuted to manslaughter. Whilst in prison, he also saved the life of another killer. Yet, despite this, the fact remains that Erskine killed between seven and eleven elderly people between April and July of 1986. He broke into their house, strangled them and sexually assaulted the majority.

The childhood of Kenneth Erskine

Erskine was born in Hammersmith in 1963, to a British mother and Antiguan father. He was abandoned by both parents at an early age and brought up in homes and on the streets. He attended special schools; during one field trip with his school, he tried to drown a couple of his peers.

Once he left the education system, he lived on the streets and became addicted to drugs, using burglary to fund his lifestyle. He soon found himself in Feltham prison for these crimes. At the time of his arrest, he had managed to open ten separate bank accounts. Once out of jail, his violence escalated.

Theft leads to murder.



Sam H Arnold

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