America’s Most Prolific Serial Killer

There is a serial killer in America who has been responsible for over 3500 deaths in the last four years.

Sam H Arnold
Published in
5 min readOct 5, 2020


From these 3500 deaths, 790 were Black and 565 were Hispanic. This is not a figure that is representative of the ethnicity of the population of America.

When we look at the victimology, the murderer has a preference for black people. Black victims are 2.8 times higher than white. The preferred method of killing is shooting, although asphyxiation comes a close second. This killer will continue their reign of terror, as they are rarely charged. If they are brought to justice the sentences passed are minimal.

You may have guessed by now, I am talking about the police. The killing will continue and the victim count increase until they are held responsible. It will continue until systems change.

Some of you might ask what this article is doing in a crime publication, the answer is simple, murder is a crime no matter who commits it. Many may find a reason to justify the murders. The person shouldn’t have run away, they were acting suspiciously. If you can justify murder, then you are not a person I want in my life.

There are victims we are all aware of Rayshard Brooks, Breonna Taylor and George Floyd. These…



Sam H Arnold

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