Application For Murder

A job application led to a major break in a cold case.

Edward Anderson


Image from Lannis Waters via

Imagine going to work one day, nothing remarkable about it unless it’s the day someone decides it should be the day you die. Imagine applying for a job, routine fair. Unless decades earlier you had committed a heinous crime and the police finally catch up to you. That is the story of Sondra Better and Todd Barket. It’s also more evidence that everyday tasks like applying for a job can alter lives.

Sondra Better was 68 years old as every article and piece of information on the case screams. She worked for Lu Shay’s Consignment Shop and by all accounts was a sweet lady who understood her customers. On August 4, 1998, she had been working alone in the shop. When someone came in, stabbed and bludgeoned her to death.

What’s In A Murder Scene

At the crime scene, there was plenty of evidence linking Todd Barket to the crime but somehow he seemed to just disappear into thin air. Police were baffled by his ability to seemingly vanish and not leave a trace for them to follow. Delray Beach Police Chief Javaro Sims held a press conference on Wednesday and said, “We had the physical evidence… but the person responsible for this heinous case seemed to just disappear,” it almost seems like the plot of a movie or an episode of a cheap CSI…



Edward Anderson

Edward has written hundreds of acclaimed true crime articles and has won numerous awards for his short stories. His most recent book is Barbenheimer.