Born Killer

Todd Kohlhepp only knew violence and anger.

AJ Wiseman


Todd Kohlhepp.
Todd Kohlhepp | Source: Serial Killers Documentaries on YouTube

When researching a true-crime piece a common question becomes whether the subject was born demonic or a product of their environment. In regards to Todd Kohlhepp, the answer is both.

His parents divorced while he was still a toddler and his father moved from their South Carolina home to Arizona.

Shortly thereafter, his mother remarried to a man that had constant battles with her young son. Kohlhepp also had to spend time in the care of his grandfather who was said to be abusive.

He moved often, making it difficult for him to have friends. His behavior around other kids was offputting anyways as he was violent towards them. Animals weren’t immune to his rage either.

He shot dogs with BB guns and once killed his fish by pouring bleach into the tank. His mother said she had to lock him in his room at night as well as putting multiple locks on her bedroom door out of the fear she had towards her son.

Kohlhepp was committed to a psych hospital and at the age of nine, a counselor said he was preoccupied with violence and sex.

He became too much for his mother to handle and was sent to Arizona to live with his father. Neither parent seemed to want him.

First Incarceration



AJ Wiseman

A lot of true crime, music, and sports but I throw in life stuff to understand why I’m like this. Hit me up if you want me to do your podcast.