
Did Robert Maxwell Kill Himself, Die by Accident or Was he Murdered

Ghislaine Maxwell is no stranger to controversy, criminal activities and disappearance. Her father taught her everything he knew.

Sam H Arnold
Published in
6 min readMay 7, 2021


Robert Maxwell — Photo in the public domain

Robert Maxwell was a media mogul. At the height of his career, he owned some of the biggest newspapers in the world.

Maxwell had ten children the youngest was Ghislaine. Through her father, the socialite, who was friends with Prince Andrew and Chelsea Clinton, learnt how to deal with a scandal.

At the age, of sixty-eight her father disappeared from his yacht, named the Lady Ghislaine. Weeks later, it was uncovered, that he had stolen £50 million from his employee’s pension fund.

Did he commit suicide to avoid the inevitable, was it a freak accident or was he assassinated by Israel intelligence agency, Mossad?

Who was Robert Maxwell?

Maxwell was born in 1923 in Czechoslavakia to a Jewish family. He was named Jon Ludvik Hoch. As the Nazi’s invaded Europe, the Hoch family became targets. Maxwell fled at sixteen to France, where he volunteered in the French Legion, before continuing his journey to England. Four of his siblings and both his…



Sam H Arnold

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