Did the Blonde Plan a Murder?

And get away with it?

PR King
Published in
5 min readSep 13, 2022


Photo by Kipras Zabeliauskas on Unsplash

The Victim

When Jeff Zack stopped for gas at BJ’s Warehouse Club in Akron, Ohio, on Saturday, June 16, 2001, he expected to get gas and be on his way, but he never had a chance to get out of his car. A motorcyclist, his face covered with a full face shield, rode up to the pumps. He got off, walked up to Zack’s vehicle, and shot him in the head. The rider got back on his bike and sped away. Onlookers were only able to describe the distinctive black and green Ninja motorcycle. There was no way to tell if the rider was male or female, though most onlookers assumed it was a man. Several nurses who happened to be at the scene tried to save Zack until the ambulance arrived, but the shot was fatal.

The detectives assigned to the case had no doubts that this had been a hit. During the investigation, they discovered that Jeff, who was six-five and weighed 235, had no shortage of enemies. Hot-tempered, aggressive, and foul-mouthed, he argued with everyone and was a self-professed tough guy who never backed down from a fight. Though married and with a son, he was known to hit on women, including those who worked at BJs. He also bragged about having been in the Mossad, though that was unlikely. The suspect pool, in this case, was unusually large.

Cindy & Ed George



PR King

Florida stories, history fan, avid reader, geeky Boomer, Sagittarian with a Capricorn moon, Chromebook convert, military brat, sober 30+