Forbidden Love’s Ghostly Mystery

An apparition appeared to a neighbor to help police solve the mystery

Edward Anderson


Rose McCloskey and Dennis Boyle Image from Twitter

Rose McCloskey and Dennis Boyle were madly in love. They took every chance they had to be together and planned to be together for the rest of their lives. There was one obstacle in their way: her parents did not approve of the relationship.

The main objection to the young love was that Dennis was 10 years older than his girlfriend. Her mother forbade Rose from continuing the relationship, explaining that while her beau was a good man, there was too much of an age gap.

However, Rose chose to continue seeing the man she loved. They would meet in secret. Eventually, they got engaged. The couple chose to keep that development secret as well.

Their plan was to clue everyone in on the fact that they were still together after they wed.

It was not meant to be.

On January 4, 1933, the couple went on a date. They were making out in the park when someone stumbled upon them. The mystery person seemed to be upset about what they were doing.

He wanted to be with Rose and would do so with force if necessary. It was. Dennis was hit over the head and fell unconscious because of the mystery man.



Edward Anderson

Edward has written hundreds of acclaimed true crime articles and has won numerous awards for his short stories. His most recent book is Barbenheimer.