Going Down in Flames

The gruesome murder of Suzanne Capper.

Danielle Gibson


Photo by Ricardo Gomez Angel on Unsplash

In January 1976, a baby girl entered the world in Manchester, England. As she was cradled in her mother’s arms, not a soul could have ever predicted the gruesome fate this little girl would meet just 16 short years later. Her mother bestowed upon her the name of Suzanne, one of the few things she gave her in this world. Suzanne Capper only wanted love and support from her parents, but she was never able to receive it. Throughout her short 16 years on Earth, Suzanne’s parents would let her down, time and time again. Their lack of love and support would lead Suzanne down a path that no human should ever have to endure, a path that ultimately led Suzanne to be tortured and burned alive.

A Rocky Upbringing

Suzanne Capper had less than an ideal upbringing. Her father walked out before she was born, and her mother, Elizabeth, never gave Suzanne the love and support she deserved. During Suzanne’s childhood, Elizabeth had married a man named John. After John and Elizabeth divorced, Suzanne was left to be brought up by her stepfather.

Essentially, the young girl felt abandoned. While she still had her stepfather, Suzanne began looking for attention and affection from anybody that would give it to her. She began acting out and playing hooky from school. Suzanne…



Danielle Gibson

Danielle Gibson is a copywriter by day and explores creative writing by night.