Has Amelia Earhart Been Found

Explorers say they have found her plane.

Sam H Arnold


Author’s Artwork

Pilot Amelia Earhart went missing over the central Pacific Ocean eighty-seven years ago. This led to one of the greatest mysteries of the modern era.

The theories have been numerous as to what happened to her, ranging from being captured by the Japanese to being eaten by giant crabs. No definite reason has ever been discovered for her disappearance.

Several expeditions have been launched to search for Earhart’s plane near where she was last heard from, Howland Island in the Pacific Ocean. However, the terrain and the amount of time she has been missing have made the search extremely difficult.

Although plenty have tried to locate her, they have failed. However, a new team believes they have the answers the world is waiting for regarding what happened to Amelia Earhart.

Amelia Earhart

Amelia was born on 24 July 24 1897 in Atchison, Kansas. At 23, her interest was sparked when she attended a stunt-flying exhibition; from that moment on, she was determined to learn how to fly.

In 1923, she earned her pilot’s license, becoming only the 16th woman in the United States to do so. This was just the beginning; she set her first aviation record in 1928 as the first woman to fly solo across the North American continent and back.

Amelia’s most famous achievement came in 1932 when she became the first woman to fly solo across the Atlantic Ocean. Her solo flight from Newfoundland to Ireland took approximately 14 hours and 56 minutes, establishing her as an international icon.

Following this feat, Amelia continued to push boundaries in aviation. She set numerous records, including a woman’s first solo flight from Hawaii to California. In addition to her record-setting flights, Amelia was a vocal advocate for women in aviation and worked tirelessly to promote their involvement in the field.

On 2 July 1937, Earhart and her navigator Fred Noonan took off from Papua New Guinea. This was the end of their record-setting journey around the world.

Earhart was a pioneer of her time, the first woman to fly across the United States nonstop, solo. She was a national celebrity. So when she suddenly disappeared, there was a lot of attention.

Deep Sea Vision

A report from a team of explorers believed it could provide some answers. Deep Sea Vision, an ocean exploration company, has set about trying to locate the wreckage of Earhart’s plane.

Using their piloting experience, the Romeo brothers examine historical records and radio messages to get the most precise idea of her flight plan. Based on this, they have plotted a search area for the proposed air crash.

Thirty days into the venture, a drone captured a series of yellow sonar pictures showing a plane-shaped object resting 16,400 feet on the floor of the Pacific Ocean.

They did not realise this might have been the plane until examining the images at the journey’s end. However, experts are still reluctant to say this is Earhart’s plane with certainty.

Has Earhart been found?

The images show an aeroplane with swept-back wings. Earhart had a plane with straight wings, and due to the structure, it would have been impossible for the wings to fold back like that in a crash.

This is one of the numerous search efforts and expeditions over the years. Various theories and speculations have arisen, but concrete evidence has yet to emerge.

While there have been occasional reports of potential wreckage sightings or artefacts that some believe could be linked to Earhart’s disappearance, none have been definitively confirmed from her plane. Thus, the mystery of Amelia Earhart’s final flight remains unsolved, captivating the imagination of people around the world.

Only time and further research will prove whether this set of images is of Earhart’s plane or whether this is once again another theory that will come to nothing in the pilot’s disappearance.



Sam H Arnold

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