Jack the Ripper the Final Conclusion

The mistake with the investigation, that points us to who Jack the Ripper was.

Sam H Arnold
Published in
6 min readJun 5, 2020


Over time murder investigation techniques have advanced considerably. Investigate Jack the Ripper today and there would be a much higher chance he would have been caught.

Using modern techniques, there were some mistakes made in the original case. The biggest mistake is that the canonical five should have been the canonical six. There is one murder that should be added to the Rippers total. If you add this case in, other factors and clues come to light.

Canonical Five

First, let’s look at the five women who were murdered by Jack the Ripper.

Mary Ann Nichols — 31st August 1888 — Bucks Row

When discovered, Nichols’ throat had been severed with two cuts. The second cut had been with such force it had severed the tissue to the spine. She also had a jagged wound to her lower abdomen. The same knife had also stabbed her several times around the genitals.

Annie Chapman — 8th September 1888–29 Hanbury Street

Her body was discovered at 6 am near the doorway to a back yard. What is important here is the back…



Sam H Arnold

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