Mindhunter Brought Edmund Kemper Back Into the Limelight

Ten murders, 5000 hours of audiobooks and numerous interviews.

Sam H Arnold
Published in
4 min readAug 3, 2020


Edmund Emil Kemper III was born on December 18th, 1948. He is an American serial killer who murdered ten people including members of his family. Nicknamed the ‘Coed Killer’ as many of his victims were female, college students. He was recently brought to my attention when watching Mindhunter on Netflix.

Kemper is known for his large size at 2.06m. He is also considered to be highly intelligent with an IQ of 145. Born in California, Kemper had a poor background. When his parents divorced he was forced to move with his abusive mother. He later returned to California, at the age of 15, to murder his paternal grandparents.

First Murders

Kemper was sitting at the kitchen table with his grandmother when they started to argue. Enraged, Kemper retrieved his grandfather’s hunting rifle. He re-entered the kitchen and shot his grandmother in the head. He shot her twice again, before mutilating her with a kitchen knife.

When his grandfather returned from shopping, Kemper when outside and shot him on the drive. Unsure what to do next he phoned his mother, who turned him in to the police. He was official diagnosis as paranoid schizophrenia. For these…



Sam H Arnold

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