Parachuting Out Of A 50-Year Old Mystery

Nearly five decades ago, a Seattle-bound flight was hijacked. The hijacker disappeared.

Edward Anderson
Published in
5 min readJan 13, 2021


Photo by Pixabay from Pexels

November 24, 1971, started as an average day for the passengers of flight #305. The plane was heading towards Seattle. Conditions were clear, and things seemed to be proceeding according to plan.

What most people on board didn’t know was that the flight had been hijacked. A man calling himself Dan Cooper had bought a ticket in cash. After takeoff, he handed a note to a stewardess. He claimed to have a bomb in his briefcase and asked her to sit with him.

The stewardess did as she was told. Cooper showed her his briefcase that appeared to be wired to be a bomb. He then handed her another note that was to be passed to the pilot.

This missive read that Cooper wanted $200,000 in $20 bills and four parachutes. The pilot radioed the demands ahead. When the plane landed, the passengers were released after the ransom was paid.

After a few minutes, the plane was in the air again. This time it was heading to Mexico City. Just after 8 pm, when the flight was right around the Reno area, Cooper jumped out of the plane.

He was never seen again.

Fallout From The Skyjack



Edward Anderson

Edward writes queer led stories that show that the LGBTQIA+ characters lives are multifaceted.