Remember Caylee? She’d Be 15 Now.

Her mother says she still has no idea what happened the day Caylee died, but that she sleeps fine at night.

HK Sloan


Photo by CBS News.

Caylee Anthony would be 15 today.

She might’ve had her first kiss by now. She might’ve even already experienced heartbreak. Some jerk, of course. I imagine she’d be frustrated to be schooling at home during the pandemic, just like any other teenager. Perhaps she’d be learning how to drive. Her days would likely be filled with TikTok challenges and Instagram reels.

“Get off your phone, Caylee! You’re going to burn your eyes out!” her mother might say, looking back over her shoulder as she prepares dinner.

“Oh, Mom.” I imagine Caylee rolling her eyes. Her mother was younger than other mothers, but she was still a mother.

“You know what we had in my day? Myspace. Have you ever heard of that?”

Maybe Caylee would laugh then. Tenderly, amused at her mother and her obsolete ways.

Maybe this is cruel, wondering what could have been. Imagining those minute, droll details of everyday life that Caylee never had the chance to experience. Imagining Caylee as a happy and healthy young woman, when the world only has this picture to remember her by.



HK Sloan

Writer. Just diggin’ a big ol’ hole. Follow me to