Russian YouTuber’s Pregnant Girlfriend Died on Live Stream

He locked her outside in subzero weather for $1,000.

Malinda Fusco


Photo by Christian Wiediger on Unsplash

In December of 2020, a pregnant woman was forced to stand outside in subzero temperatures for a live stream. Sadly, she died within fifteen minutes.

In Russia, live streams that glorify violence are commonly called “thrash” streams. This is the horrifying story of how the abuse and violence of one such stream ended in death for Valya Grigoryeva.

“The Boyfriend from Hell”

Stanislav Reshetnikov, who went by Stas Reeflay, was a 30-year-old Russian YouTuber who lives in Ivanovka near Moscow. He was dubbed “the boyfriend from hell” by his international following due to the abusive and violent “thrash” stream he hosted.

Thrash streams are a type of live stream “entertainment” that feature embarrassing and violent acts where participants “thrash” each other.

Many of his streams would feature him (and sometimes his friends) committing abusive acts against his 28-year-old girlfriend, Valentina ‘Valya’ Grigoryeva in exchange for money.

Viewers would pay Stas to see all manner of abuse including:

  • Repeatedly spraying Valya with pepper spray



Malinda Fusco

♡ I write about health, writing, and true crime. ♡