Strange and Bizarre Missing Person Cases that have Made the Victims Infamous

Lords, murderers, runaway girls and a Disney holiday from hell

Sam H Arnold
Published in
9 min readAug 26, 2021


Writers art — photos in public domain

Someone is reported missing every 90 seconds in the United Kingdom. Many leave of their own accord; some suggest circumstances of murder. For the family of the missing, the constant feeling of not having closure and all the questions can affect them for many generations. In many ways, a missing person in the family can have more prolonged effects than having a family member murdered.

Some missing person cases can remain unsolved for eternity, and the questions will always remain. Some, like the case of missing toddler Ben Needham, are solved many years later. A builder on his death bed confessed to accidentally killing Needham, giving the family closure after twenty-five years.

These three cases are some of the more controversial. Some you may have heard of, as they are all infamous in their way. However, each of these cases has never been solved. The family is still trying to answer the question — what happened to their loved one?

Lord Lucan

Lord Lucan is the most famous of missing person cases. Most people have heard of him; not everyone will know the circumstances surrounding his disappearance…



Sam H Arnold

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