The Most Vicious Murder in the Country

The murder of Lin and Megan Russell happened 25 miles from my home.

Sam H Arnold
Published in
4 min readFeb 1, 2021


Cherry Church Lane — Authors Photo

One of my first memories of becoming interested in crime came in 1996. I was 21 and living in the South of England, 25 miles from a village called Chillenden. Chillenden in 1996 became the backdrop to one of the most horrendous murders in UK history. In a twist, it also became the backdrop to one of the greatest survival stories.

The Chillenden Murders

At 4 pm on Tuesday, July 9th 1996, Lin Russell went to pick her two children up after a school swimming gala. The 45-year-old had two daughters, Megan who was 6 and Josie who was 9. The family dog accompanied her on the walk.

The family set off back home on their normal country walk. Being summer there was plenty of light and the weather was good.

After 20 minutes of walking, they approached Cherry Garden Lane a quiet unmade track that runs between Canterbury and Deal. It was at this point that a car drove past them, and Josie waved.

As they walked down the lane they found the same car parked across the track. The driver got out with a hammer in his hand. He demanded cash, Lin explained that she had left her purse at home and had no money.



Sam H Arnold

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