The Double Facebook Murder Which was a Result of a Deadly Catfish.

The tragic murder of Billy Payne and Billy Jean Hayworth

Sam H Arnold
Published in
6 min readAug 13, 2021


Jenelle Potter — true crime
Jenelle Potter — Photo in public domain

Jenelle Potter was in her thirties. Due to a combination of medical conditions and strict parents, she was isolated from her peers. Moving to a new town did not make this easier, especially in Mountain City, Tennesse. Jenelle would openly state that she felt isolated as she was not born in the town.

Rather than socialise in person, Jenelle carved out a little place of her own in cyberspace. Through Facebook, she gained friends and interacted with people. So it is fair to say Jenelle spent a large amount of her time on the internet. That was until she met Tracy Greenwell.

A friendship is formed.

Tracy worked in the local pharmacy as an assistant. One day when the quiet Jenelle came to pick up prescriptions, they got talking, and she befriended the quiet girl. Tracy was eager to help Jenelle to socialise and introduce her to her friends and family.

It wasn’t an easy friendship to establish. Tracy had to visit the family home several times to be approved by Jenelle’s parents, Marvin (Buddy) and Barbara. The Potter’s were suspicious of new people and wary of letting Jenelle socialise with anyone. Finally, Tracy’s hard work…



Sam H Arnold

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