The Man Who Escaped Broadmoor and Then Asked to Return

James Kelly was also a possible identity of Jack the Ripper.

Sam H Arnold
Published in
4 min readJul 18, 2023


Broadmoor — Public Domain

Broadmoor has had its share of prisoners that have escaped. John Straffen climbed over the fence and tragically killed a child before he was recaptured. Charles Bronson made a career out of escaping to the Broadmoor roof, causing thousands of pounds of damage.

One of the most famous and bizarre stories of escape comes from James Kelly, a man who escaped and was recaptured only to escape again, to turn himself in in older life. The timing of his first escape in 1888 also led many to question whether James Kelly may also be Jack the Ripper.

Murder and forgiveness

Kelly was initially convicted of killing his wife by stabbing her in the throat with a penknife. He claimed he suspected she was unfaithful to him, so one day, he walked into the house they shared with her mother and attacked her.

Death was not instant for Mrs Kelly, who lingered for several days in the hospital fighting for her life. During this time, she gave a statement which ultimately convicted her husband, and she had time to forgive him for the attack.

He was charged in 1883 and sentenced to death by hanging. He was then assessed by psychiatrists…



Sam H Arnold

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